Video: Rep. Steve King stands his ground on concerns over Huma Abedin

In an interview with the Des Moines Iowa NBC affiliate, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) was asked about his previous comments regarding Huma Abedin’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood.

King did not back down.

Salon reported on what King said during the interview but here is the full exchange (fast forward to the 1:38 mark if pressed for time):

He (King) then doubled down on claims that Huma Abedin had family connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, telling the host, “I say it appears to be the objective truth and I think we should look at those relationships, especially when someone’s that closely related to the staff of the Secretary of State. It becomes a critical issue and if you broaden this thing out to the Libyan situation and see the kind of performance we’ve had of this administration.”

When it comes to the issue of Huma, King is spot-on here:


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