ISIS And Obama’s Master Plan To Usher Armageddon

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)

Most take Obama as an imbecile when in reality, the ones who accuse him as such are being imbeciles. Obama is making sure that the U.S. led coalition will loose against ISIS at Kobani near Dabiq for a reason and while you think he is a dummy, think again. He too with the liberal media, are a part of a very cunning master plan.

U.S. President Obama shakes hands with Turkey's PM Erdogan after a bilateral meeting in Seoul

During September, we wrote on how Dabiq, a place near Aleppo in Syria in which the war between the U.S. led coalition and ISIS is a central theme for Muslim prophecy regarding the ends of days. Now CNN in English published a silly small report which discusses the topic but only discloses enough for the liberal mindset about how ISIS views the prophecy about Dabiq as regarding the enslavement of “women” as prophesied  for the ends of days. That this is ISIS’s version of Islamic end times. But the same report on CNN Arabic was a much different story which included the full truth, the type of truth that will entice Muslims everywhere to join the battle against U.S led western coalition.  From CNN Arabic, the story includes the true scoop which they will never translate into English, lest the American connect the dots into how this issue of the clash between Islam and the West is, in reality, would be accepting the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy. Such a message by CNN will cause much backlash from the liberals whose goal is to eliminate only a specific religion (Christianity) totally from western society.

This is why we started, a snitch outfit, spies if you will; Spock telling Captain Kirk what the aliens say, and what the traitors working with these aliens do in secret, behind Captain Kirk’s back.

We are collaborators of a different kind.

On CNN Arabic it openly says:

“There is a saying by the Prophet Muhammad in which he addressed Armageddon between Muslims and their enemies in that location [Dabiq] in the ends of days” and the emergence of the Antichrist and the descent of Christ.”

The English version says nothing of the sort, lest CNN in English expose that Muhammad himself talked about Muslims (notice, not fanatic Muslims only) fighting the west, this would be a difficult pill to swallow for westerners who learned from Obama that we are not at war with Islam or that Islam is not at war with us. But the war against the West stems from the horses mouth, as CNN Arabic introduces the apocalyptic Hadith (saying by Muhammad) “Sahih Muslim, whom Muslims consider as the most important and correct books after the Quran for collecting hadiths (Muhammad’s statements) which were narrated accurately to the prophet Muhammad saying …” Wow. CNN Arabic tells it as it is to the Muslim world. It continues with the prophecy instructing Muslims:

فقد أورد “صحيح مسلم”، الذي يعتبره المسلمون السنة من بين أصح الكتب بعد القرآن لجمعه الأحاديث التي وردت بسند صحيح وفق الاعتبارات الدينية عن النبي محمد، قوله: لا تقوم الساعة حتى تنزل الروم بالأعماق – أو بدابِقَ – فيخرج إليهم جيش من المدينة من خيار أهل الأرض يومئذ، فإذا تصافوا، قالت الروم : خلوا بينا وبين الذين سُبُوا مِنَّا نقاتلْهم، فيقول المسلمون : لا والله، كيف نُخَلِّي بينكم وبين إخواننا، فيقاتلونهم، فينهزم ثُلُث ولا يتوب الله عليهم أبدا، ويُقتَل ثلثُهم أفضل الشهداء عند الله، ويفتتح الثلث، لا يُفتَنون أبدا، فيفتَتحِون قسطنطينية” في إشارة إلى المدينة التي تحمل اليوم اسم اسطنبول في تركيا.

 “The Hour (of Resurrection) will not come until the الروم Romans (Europeans, Americans, etc.) land in Al-A’maq (valleys in Antioch, southern Turkey) or in Dabiq (a plain near Aleppo, Syria). An army consisting of the best of the people of the Earth (an international Muslim army) at that time will come out of Medina (in Saudi Arabia) to face them.

When they will arrange themselves in ranks, the Romans will say: ‘ Do not stand between us and those (Christian Converts to Islam) who were taken away from amongst us. Let us fight with them ‘ ; and the Muslims will say: ‘No! by Allah, we will not stand aside and let you fight our brothers.’ 

They will then fight. A third (of the Muslim army) will be defeated (& run away), and Allah will never forgive them. A third (of the Muslim army) will be killed and they will be regarded as the best martyrs in the eyes of Allah. A third (of the Muslim army) will conquer and they do not get affected by Fitna (tribulations). They will conquer Constantinople (Istanbul, New York, or a major European city )”

CNN Arabic knows that this is widely acceptable and see no retribution from Muslims for disclosing the Muslim master plan to bring the West for a battle in Syria to spark Armageddon, but to be revealed on English would be politically not just incorrect, but damning to CNN; Obama is making sure that the U.S. led coalition will loose against ISIS at Kobani near Dabiq. ISIS will soon announce a victory against the U.S. and they would be correct.

A Western imbecile in Captain Spock’s dictionary is defined as:

“a tourist who does not really know what permeates the Muslim street so that he/she is unaware that they are being paraded as “slaves for sale” while they think they are simply touring the bazaar having trusted a Muslim guide”.

Obama is such a guide and the media works for his service. CNN Arabic even shares what we wrote back in September:

وتقع دابق شمال حلب، وتبعد 45 كيلومترا عن الحدود التركية وتتبع منطقة أعزاز، وقد وقعت في سهلها الكبير معركة عظيمة بين العثمانيين بقيادة سليم الأول والمماليك بقيادة قنصوه الغوري عام 1516. انتصر فيها العثمانيون، وكانت المعركة مقدمة لدخولهم المناطق العربية وتأسيس إمبراطوريتهم فيها.

“Dabiq is reverting back the clock to when Sultan Selim I (King of the North) of the Ottomans had just pushed back and vanquished the Safavid Persians (The biblical Bear) at the Battle of Chaldiran in 1514—and turned their full might against the Mamluks, who ruled in Syria and Egypt (The biblical kingdom of the south) to complete the Ottoman conquest of the Middle East.”

But of course, CNN fails to tell the real scoop, lest the world awakens, the Prophecy of Dabiq to ISIS and Turkey reveals more than just history, but also eschatology of Turkey’s future plan to repeat history when Selim I invaded Syria and Egypt and now Erdogan wants to do the same for a grand future victory fulfilling the ultimate dream to revive the sick dead man of Europe after Turkey received a deadly head-wound in 1924. It was the non-embicle west ordained by Sykes-Picot that held the Ottoman revival at bay and so the way to undo it is to dumb up the western masses which has no short supply of imbeciles touring the bazaar. They comment daily on my articles and I am not speaking of only the liberal.

And now Obama wants to remove whom was holding this beast and take it out of the way. (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8). Obama’s plans started by launching the Arab Spring headed by America’s Muslim guide, himself. What seemed to be the powers holding the spirit of Antichrist at bay, was being taken out of the way, as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen were toppled and then plunged into a dark quagmire of terrorism and sectarian violence. The hopefuls were blamed and the villans got away with all the evil they can muster.

America had an IQ test and the result was Obama.

CNN Arabic adds:

وتضيف الموسوعة إلى أن الحديث يشير إلى أن الكثير من الروم “سيسلمون ويعيشون مع المسلمين في الشام أو يتم سبيهم من الروم ويشهرون إسلامهم ثم يقاتلون مع المسلمين ضد الروم”ن.”

The Hadith indicates that a lot of Rum (westerners) “would surrender and live with Muslims in the Levant (Turkey, Syria, Lebanon …) or they will be enslaved and announce their conversion to Islam and then fight with the Muslims against the Romans (westerners)”

We have plenty on the news daily, of converted imbecile westerners even joining ISIS. CNN Arabic adds:

ويرى أنصار تنظيم “الدولة الإسلامية” أن العلامات على تحقق النبوءات الواردة بالحديث بدأت تظهر بالفعل، مع انضمام مقاتلين من الغرب إلى التنظيم،
The proponents of the “Islamic state” see this prophecy has already begun, with the accession of fighters from the west who joined the organization

CNN Arabic even discloses that Turkey will finally succumb to this Caliphate plan.

وتشهد الحسابات جدلا كبيرا في الفترة الحالية حول انعكاسات معركة كوباني على المعركة المنتظرة في دابق، ويقول وأُسَيد البغدادي معلقا: “مايحدث في عين الإسلام (التسمية التي أطلقها داعش على كوباني) المجاورة لدابق ليس شيئاً عبطياً بل مخطط له منذ قرون بشرنا بهذه المعركة المصطفى.. وستنزل 80 دولة صليبية لا محال وسنهزمهم.”

The witness accounts have considerable controversy in the current period, about the implications of the battle Kobanî on the battle ahead in Dabiq, says Waacid-Baghdadi, commenting: “what is happening in center of Islam (the label that ISIS launched at Kobani) adjacent to Dabiq not something that was decided haphazardly but was planned centuries ago informed us in this glorious battle that 80 crusader states will inevitably be defeated”

But the story doesn’t end here. The Shia have their own version of Prophecy in which they see the Sunnis and ISIS as the Sufiani. Sufiani is thought by many to be Al-Baghdadi, the Caliph of ISIS, a character who is an enemy of Shiites whom Bashar Assad of Syria is fighting. They say that by the end of the Syrian regime, that Mahdi will finally appear. Alchorani, a professor in the Iranian city of Qom says regarding the figure called “Sufani” (whom they suspect is Baghdadi of ISIS) , who discusses the Shiite version of the end explains:

الكوراني، الأستاذ في حوزة (مدرسة دينية) مدينة قم الإيرانية حول شخصية تدعى “السفياني” الذي يسارع بعد تصفية خصومه والسيطرة على بلاد الشام الى إرسال قواته الى العراق، كما يكون له قوات في الحجاز للمساعدة في القضاء على حركة “المهدي.”
“أما المعركة الفاصلة بينهما بحسب الكوراني، المقرب من القيادة الإيرانية والمرجعيات الشيعية، فتقع عندما يتوجه المهدي إلى سوريا “لفتح فلسطين ويكون وراء السفياني فيها اليهود والروم، وتنتهي بهزيمته وقتله وانتصار المهدي” الذي يدخل بعدها القدس.”

Sufiani Accelerates after the liquidation of his opponents and controls the Levant to send troops to Iraq, also sends forces to the Hijaz (Saudi Arabia) to assist in the elimination of the “Mahdi.”

The battle between them (ISIS and Mahdi) according to Alchorani, who is close to the Iranian leadership and the Shiite religious authorities, happens when the Mahdi heading to Syria “to liberate Jerusalem and behind the Sufiani is the rising of the Jews and the Romans (Europeans), ending in the defeat of Sufiani who is killed by Mahdi, and it will be the triumph of the Mahdi who then enters Jerusalem.

The two forces Shiite and Sunnis are set up for Armageddon. Daniel teaches that the Last-Days Empire will be a divided empire. The division, of course, that this passage speaks of is truly an appropriate description of the Islamic world, as it has existed from its earliest days until modern times with its major sectarian division between Shiite and Sunni: “it will be a divided kingdom”. (Daniel 2:41).

This division of the final Antichrist Empire which will be ten states. We have translated the map of ISIS’ “ten state solution” for the Middle East, which it plans to achieve over the next decade by removing secular governments in its way.


These states are:

1. Anatolia (Turkey)
2. Kurdistan
3. Gogaz, (C.I.S, which includes Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan)
4. Khorasan (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and possibly Indonesia)
5. Iraq
6. Sham (Syria, Lebanon)
7. Qinana (Egypt, Sudan and Somalia)
8. Maghreb (which includes Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania)
9. Yemen
10. Hijaz (which includes the Gulf States)

Turkey is angling to rush in as a “savior” and become the ideal Muslim state under a Muslim confederacy of ten states, thereby recreating the glory of the Ottoman Empire.

The Bible also reveals that even at the time they attack Israel, they will not be able to resist their own disputes. Thus, Ezekiel tells us that, “Every man’s sword will be against his brother,” (Ezekiel 38:21). Once again, this resembles precisely what one finds today between Sunni and Shiite.

What the Muslim is unaware of that neither Mahdi or Sufiani will be victorious, that both will work to destroy each other as Christ will come to destroy both and the victory will be the Lord’s.

In the end, there is always the ultimate imbecile, it is the one who thinks he is superior to God.
