Even The Liberal Huffington Post Has Donald Trump Skyrocket To The First Place In The Polls

By Walid Shoebat

The new presidential poll chart published Monday by Huffington Post has Donald Trump skyrocketing to first place among Republicans seeking the White House.

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The chart, which combines the latest opinion polls, has Trump topping the crowded field, with 17.7 percent of the vote with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 13.9 percent. Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz were next in line, all collecting less than 10 percent each.

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Trump whom many doubted will gain momentum due to his comments about the Mexican border seems to be energizing many to support Trump. While most celebrities and politicians would lay low after a threat from one of the world’s most powerful drug lords, it’s clear that backing down isn’t in Donald Trump’s vocabulary. This, especially that Joaquin Guzman, the top Mexican drug lord known as “El Chapo,” (the midget), escaped from his maximum security holding cell Saturday morning in Mexico is threatening Trump. Read the rest of the article and learn more on who threatens Trump and how Trump stands strong against the tide: The Top Mexican Drug Lord Nicknamed “The Midget” Threatens Donald Trump While The Rest Hide In The Chicken Coop
