What Anderson
Cooper did not know
Anderson Cooper on CNN
interviewed his investigative reporter Drew Griffin regarding the
credibility of Walid Shoebat advising Homeland Security.
But what Anderson
Cooper did not know during this interview were THE FACTS:
LIE: Griffin wrote:
�Neither Shoebat nor his business partner provided any proof of Shoebat's
involvement in terrorism, despite repeated requests�.
FACT: The Shoebat
Foundation did respond to all of CNN's emails. In fact they even
offered to provide several documents and credible witnesses to validate Mr.
Shoebat�s account �We will be willing to provide copies of documents that will
answer your questions and witnesses on the condition that you guarantee they
are protected and no names or photos or the contents of such documents will be
made public. We will have you review these in person�. (see email sent to CNN)
CNN never responded.
LIE: CNN claimed that they searched the Israeli
prison records
FACT: How could CNN search any prison records when
Mr. Shoebat was imprisoned under a different name. Mr. Shoebat was born in
Bethlehem and since his mother was a U.S. citizen he was under her passport.
When he matured he held his own passport, which used his mother�s information.
His passport does not say Shoebat. We offered to clarify all this to CNN (link
to relevant part of email correspondance) on the condition to keep the
documents private. CNN refused.
In addition, CNN were not the only ones
investigating Mr. Shoebat�s prison story. Journalist Eileen Fleming who
attempted to debunk Mr. Shoebat�s account on an (14th
paragraph) story had interviewed Shoebat�s family who confirmed that
Mr. Shoebat was indeed in prison: �But, when he was in jail he met someone who
invited him to join a group against Israel�.
LIE: CNN claimed that Walid�s cousin confirm that
Walid was never a terrorist
FACT: CNN stooped low to
rely on witnesses that support the terrorist agenda as a claim that they
provided credible witnesses. Daood Shoebat�s full name is Daood Awadallah
Shoebat who is the uncle of famed suicide bomber Arin Shoebat and he is not
going to confirm anything that supports an activist like Shoebat who combats
terrorism. He is also the uncle of another terrorist by the name of Raed
Awadallah Shoebat. Both stories can be verified without a shadow of doubt
since Arin Shoebat was the renowned mastermind of the dual Operation Reshon Letzion in which Issa Bdeir
detonated a bomb, killing him along with innocent Jewish civilians. Arin
survived, hesitating to kill children, a similar account to that of Walid�s,
who published his story years prior to Arin�s activity. Raed Awadallah Shoebat
is on the list of official martyrs list. Anyone can uses
google translate in Arabic can confirm both links in which these names match
LIE: CNN claimed that
there was never a firebomb thrown on Bank Leumi and neither was there anything
of that sort in Bethlehem Manger Square during 1976-1977
FACT: Mr. Shoebat NEVER made any claim that he
threw a firebomb. No one can find any statement of such claim made by Mr.
Shoebat anywhere, which completely debunks Mr. Griffin�s story. If he had
investigated a firebombing he is out of luck. Mr. Shoebat had a real time bomb
assembled by the notorious terrorist Mahmoud Al-Mughrabi. The most damaging to
Mr. Griffin�s story is that there was a bombing of the Bank Leumi in
Bethlehem�s Manger Square � as described in Mr. Shoebat's books � which
was documented by the United Nations. Between December 24
and 27, there were two explosions in that area: �Bethlehem (in Manger
Square near the Church of the Nativity)� and �Explosive charge went
off outside the local Courthouse 27 December 1977 JP. 2 Jan. 1978 Yediot
Aharonot, 2 January 1978.�
LIE: CNN stated that they
sent �repeated requests� to the Shoebat Foundation without any cooperation.
FACT: The Shoebat
Foundation replied to each and every email CNN sent and all necessary
information was provided. It was CNN that terminated the dialogue since all the
responses discredited their initial intent to smear Mr. Shoebat. It is
impossible for CNN to validate this claim since one can see all the emails that
were exchanged.
LIE: CNN claimed that they
investigated Mr. Shoebat
FACT: CNN never
investigated anything. There were no interviews with any official agency; no
interviews with any police official, government officials or any calls were
ever made. Fact is CNN intentionally omitted the entire interview between Mr.
Griffin and Mr. Shoebat in which during the interview on tape Griffin claimed
that he investigated Mr. Shoebat and found out that records show he was paid
$13,000 and that he also called Bank Leumi Branch in Bethlehem. In the
interview Griffin simply was repeating an article written by CAIR, which
falsely claimed that the Shoebat Foundation was paid $13,000. Anderson
Cooper should review the entire interview which is damaging to CNN. What
Griffin did was simply rely on an article written by CAIR (Council of American
Islamic Relations) based on an old article in which 3 x-terrorists were paid
$13,000 in an event at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Griffin then
changed his story to include the correct amount.
Griffin later found
out that there was no Bank Leumi branch in Bethlehem to call since that branch
was closed. Griffin then later changed both stories and lied intentionally. CNN
also stated that they checked with the Israeli police in Bethlehem when fact
is, there is no Israeli police station in Bethlehem and the Palestinian
Authorities would have no such records. Griffin later changed the story to say
that he called Bank Leumi in Tel Aviv. Fact is, Bank Leumi in Tel Aviv has no
such records either. Anyone can call Bank Leumi and see. We called ourselves and there are no
records in Bank Leumi that tracks terrorist operations during 1976-1977.
LIE: Americans are
wasting tax dollars in hiring Mr. Shoebat or x-terrorists to explain terrorism.
FACT: Police use X-Drug
addicts to expose the mindset of drug users in order to combat the epidemic why
can't x-terrorists do the same?
LIE: Mr. Shoebat bills
himself as an x-terrorist on the basis of a bombing activity of Bank Leumi.
FACT: Mr. Shoebat is rarely billed as an
x-terrorist on the basis of only bombing Bank Leumi. Mr. Shoebat�s story is
billed on the basis of several proven accounts:
1) He was recruited
into the PLO by prison cellmate Mahmoud Al-Mughrabi � which led to the former's
involvement in a bomb plot that targeted several Bank Leumi branches. Several
bombings of Bank Leumi are well documented in the United Nations
2) Close family ties to high as well as
low-ranking terrorists, which can be reasonably proven. Walid was well
connected to several terrorist members of his own family whom CNN
interviewed�preferring to use these�to collaborate a false claim. Yet such
interviews only add to his credibility.
A�His cousin was - Areen Ahmad Shoebat � the renowned
mastermind of the dual Operation Reshon Letzion in which Issa Bdeir
detonated a bomb, killing him along with innocent Jewish civilians. Areen
survived, hesitating to kill children, a similar account to that of Walid�s,
who published his story years prior to Areen�s activity.
B�Walid fled to the
United States and was mentored under Jamal Said who is said to be an associate of Abdullah Azzam, the godfather of Al-Qaeda who later
was involved with the I.A.P (Islamic Association of Palestine) a branch of
Hamas which gave birth to CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations) which
CNN is defending.
C�Then we have another
cousin, exiled terrorist Jawad Younis who became Abu Zubaydah�s lawyer in absentia. Abu Zubaydah ended up
in U.S. custody to later testify against 911 �mastermind� Khalid Sheik
Muhammad. Jawad is still an Islamist troublemaker in Jordan and an ardent supporter of Hezbollah:
�To His Excellency Mr.
Nasrallah Secretary General of Hezbullah the Victorious by the will of Allah
�We grip our hands with you, and all the Jihadists for the cause of Allah�as
you lunge with your souls for the battle of the [Islamic] nation, to fight the
demonic forces of America and Zionism, the sons of the great Satan.� Signed as
#4 of this delegation Jawad Younis. (Letter of support to Nassrallah, dated
7/19/2006, published July 27th, 2006)
cousin is Raed Khalil Awadallah Shoebat, killed while attempting to plant a
bomb at Ben Yehuda Street. Raed Awadallah Shoebat is on the list of official martyrs list. Anyone can use
google translate in Arabic can confirm all the links in which these names match
cousin is Mahmoud Khalil Awadallah Shoebat who was imprisoned for years for his
terror activity to later be released in a plea bargain. All the Awadallah
Shoebat names provided are within the same household of the CNN witness Mr.
Daood Awadallah Shoebat seen lying through his teeth.
cousin Eiad Shoebat, has an arrest warrant by the FBI wanted to major financial
fraud suspected to be terror related. This involved contra band, passport fraud
and major financial embezzlements intended to aid and abet terrorism. This can
be easily confirmed with the FBI. Homeland Security did all the proper
due-diligence that CNN never did.
violent acts included street violence and hand-to-hand confrontations with
Israeli forces. On one occasion Walid nearly lynched an Israeli soldier, which
also can be confirmed by accessing Israeli news archives on March 18th as well
as March 30th 1976. The news broadcaster was Karam Zarour (Oded Zarrai) who
broadcast the news item on 8 PM news on the Arabic station on Israeli TV. CNN never accessed
the archives.
experience in Chicago being active with the PLO as well as the Muslim Brotherhood
prior to the inception of the I.A.P (Islamic Association of Palestine) which
later gave birth to CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations). It is for
this reason CNN and CAIR attack Mr. Shoebat.
While Walid�s partner
in crime and prison cell mate Mahmoud Al-Mughrabi was denied to have ever
existed, he was notorious, very real and quite dangerous. He was a secret
correspondent for the British Sunday Times � hired to report alleged tortures
in the Russian Compound (Jerusalem Central Prison) and his name was published by the United Nations while privately
conducting terror plots. Al-Mughrabi was finally assassinated on October 1, 1985 in the secret Israeli operation
� 'Wooden leg' � that targeted PLO Yasser Arafat's Tunisian headquarters. Mr.
Shoebat's story remains consistent for 8 years since he went public and is well
documented in his book "Why I Left Jihad."
It is important that when we examine evidence to
avoid character assassinations due to political affiliation. CNN has a liberal agenda and we are conservative. Let us put our
affiliations aside and pursue the facts. Will CNN be willing to pursue the
facts or is there an agenda in line with CAIR's?
Click Here For Complete E-Mail Exchange Between the Shoebat Foundation and CNN...
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The Shoebat Foundation's New Sister Site |
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