$value) { if (!isset($key) || ($value == "")) return false; } return true; } function valid_email($address) { // check an email address is possibly valid if (ereg("^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+$", $address)) return true; else return false; } ?>





"; foreach ($cart as $prodid => $qty) { $short_id = substr($prodid, 0, 7); // this will return only the root product ID, so unique ID add-ons will be removed $item = get_product_details($short_id); echo ""; echo "

"; echo $item["prodname"]; echo "

"; $price = get_price($item["prodid"]); echo $price; echo "

"; // if we allow changes, quantities are in text boxes if ($change == true) echo ""; else echo "


"; echo "

$"; $price = get_price($item["prodid"]); echo number_format($price*$qty,2)."

\n"; } // display total row echo "

Your Order Total:

\$".number_format($total_price, 2). "

"; // display save change button if($change == true) { echo "     "; } echo "
"; } function display_button($target, $image, $alt) { echo "
"; } function display_form_button($image, $alt) { echo "
"; } ?> $qty) { $short_id = substr($prodid, 0, 7); // this will return only the root product ID, so unique ID add-ons will be removed $query = "select sale,price from products where prodid='$short_id'"; //echo $query; $result = mysql_query($query); if ($result) { if (mysql_result($result, 0, "sale") > "0") { $item_price = mysql_result($result, 0, "sale"); $price += $item_price*$qty; } else { $item_price = mysql_result($result, 0, "price"); $price +=$item_price*$qty; } } } } return $price; } function calculate_items($cart) { // sum total items in shopping cart $items = 0; if(is_array($cart)) { foreach($cart as $prodid => $qty) { $items += $qty; } } return $items; } function get_price($prodid) { $conn = db_connect(); $query = "select sale, price from products where prodid='$prodid'"; $result = @mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { return false; } $result = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($result["sale"] > "0") { $priceinfo = $result["sale"]; return $priceinfo; } $priceinfo = $result["price"]; return $priceinfo; } ?> $value) { if (eregi("MIME-Version:", $value) || eregi("Content-type:", $value) || eregi("To:", $value) || eregi("Cc:", $value) || eregi("Bcc:", $value)) { die("Possible SPAM Injection Attack!"); } } } if ($_GET) { foreach($_GET as $key => $value) { if (eregi("MIME-Version:", $value) || eregi("Content-type:", $value) || eregi("To:", $value) || eregi("Cc:", $value) || eregi("Bcc:", $value)) { die("Possible SPAM Injection Attack!"); } } } reset($_POST); reset($_GET); ?> shoebat.com

Is this the justice the Western supporters of a Palestinian State wish for?

This is Palestinian Jurisprudence


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MAJOR MEDIA INTERVIEW: Interviewed on The Glenn Beck Show

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MAJOR MEDIA INTERVIEW: The 700 Club: About Egypt [02/14]

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NEW VIDEO: Click Here to View Trailer

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So-called "moderate" Sheik Yusuf Al-Qaradawi preaching jihad in America

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This CNN piece exposes what will come our way eventually if we do not awaken 1% of 1.5 billion muslims is 10.5 million jihadists

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