Tag Archives | Child Abuse

Hamas Hangs Young Children on Fence to use as Human Shields

You Won’t see this in the New York Times Young Kids being used as counter bait or human shields to prevent Israel taking out military targets THE ABOVE PHOTO WAS TAKEN WE BELIEVE IN JUNE 2011 AND WAS NOT PART OF CURRENT WAR IN GAZA. WHETHER IT WAS TAKEN IN 2011 or JULY 2014 IT […]

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There is More Sexual Abuse in The Protestant Churches Than Catholic

Tchividjian had become convinced that the Protestant world is teetering on the edge of a sex-abuse scandal similar to the one that had rocked the Catholic Church. He is careful to say that there’s not enough data to compare the prevalence of child sex abuse in Protestant and Catholic institutions, but he’s convinced the problem […]

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Muslim Rapes Daughter For 12 Years, Impregnates Her, And Wants Child Dead

Watch this video that shows the misery a young girl has endured under the Islamic fundamentalist sadism of her father, who raped her, impregnated her, and then even threatened to murder her son. After watching, DONATE NOW TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES. After watching this horror, understand that it these very barbarians who are slaughtering Christians […]

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Video: Smoking, Eight year-old Syrian Rebel learns how to blow things up while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’

Apparently, Syrian rebels are breeding their children to become little smoking terrorists. In this case, the child is eight years-old and carries around a rifle while blowing things up and chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he does so. Via Ynet: He was meant to start school, learn how to read and write and meet friends. Instead […]

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