Tag Archives | Christ war

The Genocide Of The Canaanites Was Justified

SHOEBAT EXLCUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat The genocide of the Canaanites was justified. The objection against the Hebrews’ killing of them is a common one, and here is a way you can refute it. Here is a video I made illustrating and explaining as to why the Canaanites needed to be destroyed: A frequent objection against […]

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Jesus Christ Was Not A Pacifist, He Believed In War And Crusading Against The Enemy

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Jesus Christ was not a pacifist, He believed in holy war and crusading against the enemy. Christ did not believe in unjust or secular war, but the use of holy war against those who persecute the Church and desire the destruction of Christianity. The common argument is, “I never see […]

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