Tag Archives | leaders

Western Leaders Are In OVER THEIR HEADS with Islamic Jihadists and MUST COME CLEAN

THREE TERRORISTS FEDS WANT YOU TO IGNORE By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Everyone knows that when you’re in the human intelligence business, you have to engage and deal with dirty characters. What happens, however, when those dirty characters who double as informants, spies or human intelligence assets commit heinous crimes? Do their […]

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PA Leaders Honor Their Terrorists

http://shoebat.org/videos/paHonor.php We are told by the left that terrorists blow themselves up because of their abject poverty and desperation. Here is a dinner with everybody dressed in nice suits and attire at a party honoring families of terrorists. Most of the terrorists who are being honored carried out their crimes after the Oslo peace accord […]

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By Peace We Will and Continue to be Deceived‏

As our leaders and media continue to try and hide what is going on in the Middle East and in your local US mosque, we as a nation choose peace over truth and justice. We choose self-deception and delusion because the truth is ugly. We choose to vilify and isolate those that speak the truth […]

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