Tag Archives | Adam Soltani

Oklahoma Senator Critical of Islam BEFORE Beheading Largely Silent AFTER Beheading **UPDATE: Bennett NOT Backing Down**

The silence of Oklahoma State Senator John Bennett about Islam is conspicuous. Just days prior to the beheading of an Oklahoma woman by a man who attended a Muslim Brotherhood-connected mosque, Bennett had been making some strong comments against Islam. Since the beheading, he’s been practically silent. Bennett’s decision to go dark may be politically […]

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Oklahoma State Rep. Still Standing Behind Comments about Islam Despite CAIR’s Demands for Apology

Oklahoma State Rep. John Bennett is so far not apologizing for comments he made about Islam on his personal facebook page in which he said Christians should be “wary” of Muslims in America. That doesn’t mean that CAIR isn’t going to stop pressuring him to do so, as the video clip from a local newscast […]

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Leader of Muslim Group Attacks Oklahoma State Rep. for Exercising First Amendment Right

ISIS is causing the same problems for stealth jihadists in the U.S. that al-Qaeda caused for them after the September 11th attacks. In short, ISIS is blowing the cover of groups like CAIR, which are having to go into damage control mode relative to the truth about them coming out. Case in point comes from […]

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