Tag Archives | Al-Jazeera


Al Jazeera: Libya’s former rebels now finding Security work

There is a narrative that has taken root among the defenders of Libya’s new government. Such people insist that Libya escaped the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood by voting a moderate and secular government into power. According to Al-Jazeera, the security vacuum in that country is being filled by many of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed rebels. […]

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Video: John McCain goes on Al-Jazeera, promotes the Muslim Brotherhood’s cause

Last month, we reported that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh praised Al-Jazeera for its efforts in helping the efforts of his group. Now, al-Jazeera is interviewing McCain inside the U.S. Capitol where the most vocal Senator in support of Hamas’ position in Syria was given a platform. McCain can massage his message all he wants; the […]

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