Tag Archives | Republican convention


Egypt’s Mohamed Mursi and John McCain on same page over Syria – Why?

Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) used his speech at the Republican convention to give voice to a common refrain of his – that the United States should arm the Syrian rebels against Bashar al-Assad (video at bottom of this post). Almost simultaneously, Muslim Brotherhood leader / President of Egypt Mohamad Mursi was calling for the end […]

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John Boehner at the Convention: ‘At least (my name’s) not ‘Weiner'”

While speaking at a breakfast during the Republican convention, House Speaker John Boehner threw out some red meat for attendees to eat with their waffles. Via New York Post: House Speaker John Boehner made Weiner, who resigned last year in a sexting scandal, a punch line in a breakfast speach this morning to the New […]

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