If you pay taxes in America, you help fund National Public Radio (NPR). Now, how does it feel to know your tax dollars are financing a racist, anti-Israel / pro-Islamic agenda? Via Israel National News: Diane Rehm’s National Public Radio (NPR) interview program, which is aired by more than 160 public stations, is known to […]
National Review’s McCarthy Nails it on Syria
In a sea of uninformed leaders who inexplicably insist that it’s in the best interest of the United States to intervene in Syria, thereby arming Al-Qaeda’s ideological brethren, the man who prosecuted the Blind Sheikh, Andy McCarthy gets it. Via NRO: Like all long-suffering fans of the New York Mets, I am on Cloud Nine […]
Report: Head of largest Mosque in Tunisia wants Blasphemous artists dead
This post is basically a continuation of this story, about Salafists in Tunisia raided an exhibit and destroyed artwork. Via ANSAmed (h/t WZ): As the city of Tunis recovers amid tensions from the wave of Salafi violence of the past days, a video is doing the rounds of the web in which Cheich Houcine Laabidi, […]
Report: Indonesian Atheist beaten by mob; Judge sends him to Jail
In the West, atheists are revered by leftists because, well, so many leftists are atheists. In Indonesia, an atheist was tracked down and beaten by an Islamic mob for… being an atheist. The judge ruled in favor of the mob. Via Asia Sentinel, h/t ROP: Once again religious intolerance has burst into the open in […]
Chelsea Clinton’s bright future fighting… Islamophobia
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s words, actions, and relationships have indicated she’s an ally of the Islamists. She helped lift the ban on Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of Muslim Brotherhood’s founder, her closest aide has strong familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and no one has been a stronger advocate for the Libyan and now […]
Native Indians and the Islamic Threat
By Theodore Shoebat The Muslim world aspires to destroy our civilization; within this Mohammedan society they are those who hide under shadows unseen, and speak with voices unheard of only to those who turn a deaf ear. The blind leading the blind is the spectacle of those who, acknowledging the Islamic threat, watch the unconsciously […]
Tell on Me: The Ballad of US Agents
If you’ve been following the national security leaks from inside the Obama administration, this will all make sense to you. h/t Jawa
Five Congressmen Petition IG’s to Investigate Muslim Brotherhood influence in U.S. Government
There are now five members of Congress who have stepped forward to sign letters addressed to the Inspectors General for the Departments of State, Justice, Defense, Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence requesting investigations into the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood inside the United States Goverment. Via Right Side News, […]
Germany conducts Raids on Salafists; bans one Salafist group
The primary difference between the Salafists and the Muslim Brotherhood is that the former is far more open and honest than the latter but both seek the same ends. When it comes to developments in Germany, the Brotherhood is likely shaking it’s head at the Salafists and muttering something about ‘we told you so’. Via […]
The Vetting: Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection
On July 19th, at the Washington Press Club, America’s Survival, headed by Cliff Kincaid, will be leading a conference that will focus on the nexus between international Marxism and global Islam. Regular readers to this blog know that these movements are not mutually exclusive; they work intimately with one another. If you are anywhere near […]
Egyptian Supreme Court rules to dissolve Parliament
Egypt’s newly elected Parliament was ordered to dissolve by that country’s highest court. Hit the hardest is the Muslim Brotherhood, which holds 46% of the seats in the legislative body. A consequence of the ruling is that the Military has declared martial law and is now in control. Via New York Times: Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional […]
Exposed: The Formula for Islamic Takeover
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack The word “Democracy” has become increasingly and deceptively powerful. It has come to be seen as something on par with “freedom” and “justice.” It has been the fuel for the very inaptly named ‘Arab Spring.’ Democracy and freedom are not synonymous terms. They don’t mean the same thing at […]
Video: Dhimmis who want Public Schools shut down in observance of Muslim Holidays
Wouldn’t it be considered racist to support an initiative that calls for public schools to shut down for two Nazi holidays? If the answer is yes, then why isn’t it racist to shut down public schools for two Muslim holidays? In this very biased report, Fox DC interviews Jewish Councilman George Levanthal (Democrat), a Jewish […]
Surprise in Tunisia: Islamic thugs raid Art Exhibit, Destroy Artwork
Tunisia is now home to another in a long line of anecdotes which demonstrate that when leftists and Islamists align to defeat a common enemy, Islamists always seem to overpower the leftists once that enemy is defeated. In the case of Tunisia, that common enemy was deposed dictator Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali. Via Al Arabiya […]
Whaddya Know? Syrian Rebels not so Innocent
The narrative that the Syrian rebels are innocent, helpless victims of the repressive Assad regime has become the dominant meme in media circles (persecuted Christians get virtually no mention). It’s a perception that has essentially become a reality. The Houla Massacre, in which several women and children were killed, was blamed on Assad’s forces. However, […]
Father of Toulouse Jihadists sues French Government for killing his son
This one gets filed in the ‘unmitigated gall’ department. Via BBC: The father of Mohamed Merah, the Islamist gunman killed by French police after shooting seven people, has formally sued over his son’s “murder”. A lawyer for Mohamed Benalel Merah, who lives in Algeria, said the suit was against those “who gave the orders at […]