Turkish Genocide Short video exposing the Muslim Genocide of Kurds and Armenians… http://www.shoebat.com/videos/kurdGenocide.php ALSO, please take a moment to visit our new Shopping Cart to rate and write a review for any products you have bought for us (or any product that is related to our Organization that we offer on our websites). http://www.ffmushop.com/ Thanks […]
The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation
Thank You So Much For Your Support…
Please take a moment to visit our new Shopping Cart to rate and write a review for any products you have bought for us (or any product that is related to our Organization that we offer on our websites). http://www.ffmushop.com/ Thanks again so much for your support of our work! -Shoebat Foundation Staff
Radical Islam: You Thought They Only Took Advantage of Women?
Radical Islam: You Thought They Only Took Advantage of Women? “The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan” Click here for the video clip: http://shoebat.org/videos/dancingBoys.php
What Muslims Want: Liberal Journalists in Britain Are Starting to Wake Up?
What Muslims Want: Liberal Journalists in Britain Are Starting to Wake Up? Click here for the video clip: http://shoebat.org/videos/muslimsWant.php
Righteous Liberal Journalist Defends Walid against CNN
Righteous Liberal Journalist, Abigail Romaine, Defends Walid against CNN Click here for audio clip: http://shoebat.org/audio/avigail072311.php
Families Like These are the Ones We are Helping in Pakistan (www.RescueChristians.org)
Click here for media: http://shoebat.org/videos/niha.php
Palestinian Refugees or Political Pawns? You Decide…
Palestinian Refugees or Political Pawns? You Decide… http://www.shoebat.com/videos/politicalPawns.php
Naser Abdo: CNN at Work for Muslim Interests?
Naser Abdo: CNN at Work for Muslim Interests? http://shoebat.org/videos/naserAbdo.php
Naser Abdo: NBC KCEN Consults With Walid Shoebat on Terror Arrest in Ft Hood
Naser Abdo: NBC KCEN Consults With Walid Shoebat on Terror Arrest in Ft Hood http://shoebat.org/videos/foiledTerror.php
Norway: Anti-Semitic?
Norway: Anti-Semitic? http://shoebat.org/videos/osloDisaccord.php
Vital History Lessons: The West Bank?
Vital History Lessons: The West Bank? http://shoebat.org/videos/westBankFacts.php
Nationally Syndicated Talk Show Defends Walid Against CNN and CAIR
Click here for the audio interview: http://shoebat.org/audio/ct110726.php Vic Eliason host of Crosstalk on a Christian syndicated radio talk show on ninety one stations across the USA gives voice to Walid. Vic and Walid exposes CNN and CAIR on a most comprehensive interview yet.
Walid on Rusty Humphries Show From Friday 07/22/11
Click here to listen to the audio: http://shoebat.org/audio/rusty072211.php ***Please note this interview was done BEFORE the details of the terror attack were fully known… Last Friday 7/22 Walid discusses Norway and CNN on Rusty Humphries Show..
Khalifah (Caliphate) to the World
Click here to view the video: http://shoebat.org/videos/kalifah2world.php The media ignores the Islamic fundamentalist growth and how it is already the majority thinking in many Muslim countries and on the verge of also being the majority in the whole of the Muslim world. In this propaganda video the evidence is apparent that Islam is a massive […]
Leading UK Journalist Melanie Phillips Spells it Out
“Islam in Europe” – Leading UK Journalist Melanie Phillips Spells it Out Melanie Phillips is a minority voice in The UK and she explains the issues on Islam and irrational thinking of the left and conservative appeasers of Islam She is not an ex terrorist but I am sure CNN and CAIR can find some […]
Michael Savage Interviews Walid Shoebat About CNN Smear
Click here for the audio clip: http://shoebat.org/audio/savageWalid072211.php Walid Shoebat expalins the issues surrounding CNN’s smear…