The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Ft Hood Memorial Convention Tickets now available online‏

Hi Friends Anyone wishing to attend the event in November, you can now purchase tickets online as well as special VIP tickets. In July we have lined up meetings with 56 churches in the Killeen area who have all expressed an interest as well as at least 6 churches who have already volunteered to be […]

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Hypocrisy and Insanity from all sides‏

Hypocrisy and Insanity from all sides It is shameful to watch Turkey lead the chants and propaganda of the world against Israel with concern to the “peace activist” Gaza flotilla. The rhetoric from the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu at the UN on June 1 2010, – “Another member state has committed a crime against […]

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Gaza Flotilla was a Martydom Operation‏

Dear Friends For all those that wish to help Israel in the PR war we need you to help now. The Muslims are trying to use the Gaza Flotilla incident to exploit in the Propaganda war against Israel. The Gaza Flotilla was a deliberate attempt to provoke Israel and the intention was to “kill Jews” […]

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911 Mosque Founder wants to Establish Shariah in USA‏

REVEALED IN ARABIC – GROUND ZERO MOSQUE FOUNDER RAUF WANTS TO ESTABLISH SHARIAH by Walid Shoebat Is Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf – founder of the hugely controversial Ground Zero Mosque – lying to the American public? We have uncovered extraordinary contradictions between what he says in English and what he says in Arabic that raise […]

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Attack Evil To Defend Freedom‏

The Jews and Christians like to whine, complain, procrastinate, retreat in fear, huddle together like sheep. Our adversaries i.e. the Islamic inspired terrorists, Muslim leaders and even Muslim “allies” act with pride, insult the USA and West without fear, they are aggressive in tone and have no problem taking to the Middle East street in […]

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Dhimmitude under President Obama‏

Friends Since President Obama has enacted the healthcare legislation there are two ways out from abiding by the law and those are 1. Declare you are a Muslim or 2. Declare you are Amish. Since Amish people are Christian that will be your best option. Please go and buy your horse and buggy, men grow […]

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Why Israel loses the PR war‏

Israel’s PR strategy and what is wrong with it can be identified with two words – “defense only”. We watch with frustration at what can only be identified as ineptitude the way the Israeli government, as well as the Jewish and Christian communities in all parts of the world attempts to deal with what they […]

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Walid lends his support to Stop Mosque in Wisconsin

Friends Walid will be speaking on Sunday March 21st at the First Reformed Church in Oostburg Wisconsin, about 45 minutes north of Milwaukee. This has already stirred up major local controversy with local radio and Fox affiliate reporting on the story. There is much tension in the community and we expect over a thousand people […]

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Walid Shoebat to Speak on Radio Islam

Friends Walid will be a guest on Radio Islam which at 6.05 pm Central Time tomorrow March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day) It broadcasts on the internet at and also locally in Chicago on 1450 AM This should be a very interesting dialogue. For those that may miss it, we will post it on web […]

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Walid To Talk on Radio Shows…

Walid will be speaking on the Martin Dzuris Live Radio Talk Show ( 03/15/10 Monday at 6:30 pm est In addition, Walid will be speaking on the Jesse Woodrow show ( He is scheduled to be interviewed on Tuesday, March 16th, 1 PM p.s.t. He will also be speaking on the JB Show Wed ( […]

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