In February of 2009, Suhaib Webb – the former Imam of the mosque attended by the Alton Nolen (the man who beheaded an Oklahoma woman last week) – was in attendance at the U.S.-Islamic World Forum (US-IWF), an annual event held in Doha, Qatar that’s co-sponsored by the Qatari government and the Brookings Institute, a […]
Tag Archives | cia
Obama Released Five Taliban Commanders for Bergdahl but Threatened Families of Beheaded Journalists with Prosecution if they Raised Ransom Money
Earlier this year, the Obama administration released five Taliban commanders to Qatar in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, an alleged deserter who may have collaborated with the Taliban and who also could have the blood of American soldiers on his hands. While the same was obviously not done for beheaded journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, […]
Obama and John Brennan suppressing Key Evidence Acquired in Bin Laden Raid?
The Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes has published an excellent report on the incredible amount of intelligence gathered during the raid that killed Osama bin Laden and was subsequently withheld. What takes shape after reading it is that the administration – to include current CIA Director John Brennan – aggressively suppressed information that revealed the true […]
Obama’s Pentagon Admits it Wants to Grow ‘Military to Military Relationship’ with Country that Supports Terrorists like the ones that Hit Pentagon
If there are two nations the U.S. continues to align with for seemingly very inexplicable reasons, they are Turkey and Qatar. Both of these nations support Hamas. Yet, when asked about concerns over Qatar’s support for terrorism in the context of the U.S. partnering with that nation, Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby deferred […]
CIA Director Alleged to have Converted to Islam said idea of Islamic Caliphate ‘Absurd’
Two years prior to becoming CIA Director, during his tenure as Homeland Security Advisor in 2011, John Brennan stated emphatically that counterterrorism policies would not be based on a “feckless delusion” of an Islamic Caliphate, calling the idea “absurd”. Last year, in the weeks prior to Brennan being sworn in as CIA Director, former FBI […]
Trial EXTREMELY Damaging to Obama being Covered Up
On Today’s Show… In 2006, former CIA Director James Woolsey gave a speech in which he seemed to strongly imply that rogue regimes in the Middle East should be overthrown. The strategy expressed a desire to make the Hosni Mubarak regime and the Saudi Royal family ‘nervous’ by the U.S. turning its attention to Syria, […]
How The CIA Supported the Rise of The Muslim Caliphate and Antichrist
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Over the last two decades, every U.S. military intervention has been justified by humanitarian concerns. These occurred in areas that had been part of the Ottoman Empire and where secular regimes were replaced by Islamist ones. From bombing Serbia in support of Izetbegovic’s Muslim Regime in Bosnia in 1995 […]
When a U.S. President IS Muslim Brotherhood
A short but explosive video of former CIA Director James Woolsey in 2006 has been introduced into evidence at the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his officers. In that video, Woolsey advocates for the removal of Middle Eastern dictators, even mentioning Mubarak by name while strongly implying that after the fall of […]
Defending Reagan at all Costs is a Road to More Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration
No modern-era president is revered by conservatives more than Ronald Reagan. Those with connections to his administration proudly proclaim their place in it. After all, it has turned in to quite a resume enhancer. The Reagan legacy is built up to such heights that while his champions will concede he wasn’t perfect, increasingly, the defense […]
Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy Stabbed in Back by Republican Colleague
A soon-to-be released House Intelligence Committee report on the Benghazi attacks reportedly lets the Obama administration off the hook, concluding that there was “no deliberate wrongdoing” on the part of the administration relative to the attacks. A consequence of this is that Benghazi Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy is being stabbed in the back by […]
Two Democratic Senators Call for Resignation of CIA Director who Allegedly Converted to Islam
When two Democratic Congressmen stray from the Obama reservation, it’s a rare day. When two Democratic Senators do so, it’s virtually unheard of and represents an extremely significant event. That happened today when U.S. Senators Mark Udall (D-CO) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) called for the resignation of CIA Director John Brennan, whom former FBI Agent […]

Republican Benghazi Select Committee should Depose is Distancing himself from ‘Deteriorating’ Situation in Libya
A man who should be a major focus of the House Select Committee on Benghazi is Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. As reported recently, one way for the Committee to demonstrate it’s not partisan would be to depose Rogers and ask him some very tough questions. Last week, Rogers […]
Obama Conspires to Control Republicans from Attacking his Muslim Jihadist Brother
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** If ever there existed a scandal that dirtied up both Republicans and Democrats, it was Iran-Contra. In fact, it dirtied up both the Clintons and the Bushes. Both families – along with their respective parties – are so dirtied up that they dare not expose the President’s […]
Republican Congressman Blames Obama for ‘Policy Failure’ without Acknowledging his Support of the Policies that Failed
In a recent speech, House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) attempted to defend his turf over the failures in Syria and Iraq. He maintains that the terrorists are making such huge gains not because of an ‘intelligence failure’ but because of a ‘policy failure’. That is actually quite true but what Rogers does […]
Executive Director in Obamas’ Lois Lerner Approved Terrorist Empire REVEALED as a U.S. Intelligence Agent
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** In a stunning discovery, the Executive Director listed on the 990-EZ for the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF), which was approved by the IRS’s Lois Lerner, is Ray Baysden, a former U.S. intelligence agent. Baysden, who knows the Obama family, is a former State Department employee who […]
Republican Congressman and his Wife Caught in Scandal
By Ben Barrack With regard to Rep. Mike Rogers’ upcoming radio career (look for it to be short-lived), one thing is increasingly certain; he will need one of the best call-screeners in the business. While he’s at it, he may want to have a five minute delay installed and a hired hand with a finger […]