Tag Archives | Drug Cartels

Obama Attacks Republicans while Leaving Welcome Mat out for ISIS

The U.S. Border with Mexico is wide open; ISIS is beheading people with reckless abandon in Iraq and Syria. One of its victims was American journalist James Foley. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has said that ISIS poses an “immediate threat” to the U.S. thanks to growing immigration issues. The Obama administration […]

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As 9/11 Anniversary Approaches, the ‘System (is) Blinking Red’ again

Chapter 8 of the 9/11 Commission Report is entitled, “The System was Blinking Red”. It was taken from a quote of then CIA Director George Tenet, who said that by late July of 2001, it could not “get any worse”. Eerily, the system began blinking again in late July of this year with what’s been […]

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Obama’s Border crISIS!

According to a release by Judicial Watch, ISIS is operating in Ciudad Juarez, located in Mexico along the U.S. border just across from El Paso, Texas. JW further states that it has access to actionable intelligence which states an attack(s) on the U.S. from ISIS via Mexico are imminent. Islamic terrorist groups are operating in […]

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