Tag Archives | imam


9/11 MOSQUE IMAM BOASTS: ‘Obama’s historic speech in Egypt came from me’

PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THIS FILE IF YOU CAN NOT VIEW IT ON THIS BLOG CONTACT: Amy Reis or Lynne Campbell of Special Guests at: 630-848-0750 9/11 MOSQUE IMAM BOASTS: ‘Obama’s historic speech in Egypt came from me’ In previous reports researched by the Walid Shoebat Foundation, it was revealed that Imam […]

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Imam of Ground Zero Mosque: Radical Global Agenda (his own words)

Click here if you are having trouble reading this post   IMAMOF GROUND ZERO MOSQUE FEISAL ABDUL RAUF   RAUF’S MANIFESTO REGARDING TERRORISM RAUF WRITES: People asked me right after the 9/11 attack as to why do movements with political agendas carry [Islamic] religious names? Why call it ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ or ‘Hezbollah (Party of Allah)’ […]

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Walid Shoebat Exposes 911 Mosque Imam Rauf plus this week schedule for speaking‏

Friends Walid will be speaking this Sunday August 15 at Bethany Evangelical Free Church in Lacrosse WI, contact the church for full details at http://bethanyefc.org/ Here is the important press release. Red Eye Show on Fox News has booked an initial interview as well as several large radio shows concerning this rlease. GROUND ZERO IMAN […]

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Walid returns to Fox News

Friends Walid will be on Fox and Friends and around 6.50 am tomorrow morning 7/21 He will discuss the 9/11 mosque and the “moderate” imam who is behind the project. Walid has been on nearly a dozen major radio interviews including Bill Handel, Brian Kilmeade and Friends, Alan Handelman and Ron Owen Show. We are […]

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