Tag Archives | turkey

Turkey’s PM carried ‘a copy of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf’ around as a child, says former Classmate

According to a man who claims to have been a classmate of Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan from ‘first to fifth grade’ says that Erdogan used to “walk around with a copy of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’”. This, according to an article that appeared in ynet news. The ynet article focuses on an anti-semitic […]

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Benghazi Attacks and Christian Holocaust both Consequences of U.S. Alliance with Turkey

By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** A Turkish connection to the U.S. presence in Benghazi prior to the 9/11/12 attacks is not in dispute. A Turkish diplomat was at the Special Mission Compound approximately one hour before it was attacked. Days earlier, a Libyan ship reportedly carrying weapons bound for Syria docked in a Turkish port. […]

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Antichrist Turkey more Brazen; embraces al-Qaeda Financier who Founded University where Huma Abedin’s mother Served as Vice Dean

Al-Qaeda financier Yasin Kadi has reportedly been making multiple trips to Turkey and meeting with senior government officials there. As Shoebat.com reported in 2012, Kadi is also a founder of Dar Al-Hekma College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This is the same institution where Saleha Abedin – the mother of close Hillary Clinton aid Huma Abedin […]

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State Dept Spokesman refers to Turkey as ‘Close NATO Ally’ while dismissing claims U.S. Supports Fethullah Gulen

The dynamic that exists between Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkish Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen, who resides in Pennsylvania’s Poconos  is enigmatic. Reports that the two men have become bitter adversaries have increased as well. In the wake of Erdogan’s sweeping electoral victories on March 30th, which Shoebat.com predicted accurately, there are news […]

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Turkish-Speaking Muslim Tartars in Crimea Demanding Autonomy from Russia

One of the little talked about consequences of Russia’s annexation of Crimea is the fate of the Turkish-speaking Muslim Tartars. This bunch is demanding that they not be a part of any Russian annexation of Crimea. It should be interesting to see how this unfolds. Shoebat.com recently posted a video of a brawl between Pro-Russian […]

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How the U.S., through NATO, is advancing Turkey’s Antichrist Agenda

**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack When it comes to the 28 member countries in NATO, the interests of one are being served at the expense of the others; that one nation is Turkey. By furthering Turkey’s agenda, NATO is endangering the national security of the remaining 27, though many of them seem […]

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Leaked Secret Meeting Reveals Turkey Behind Attacks on Armenians in Kessab

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat Turkey’s plan to invade its neighboring country of Syria was uncovered when a secret recording leaked of the highest officials discussing a plan to launch a military aggression on Syria by using the armed terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). The launched invasion resulted on aggression […]

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Antichrist: Looming on the Horizon

**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** By Walid Shoebat Many are speculating in mainstream media outlets about what they perceive to be a weakened Turkish government under prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. A corruption scandal is dogging him and the ‘Arab Spring’ has hit a few bumps in the road. According to ABC’s Religion and Ethics Report… Back in […]

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Turkey’s Erdogan definitely has a fight on his hands against Millions of Tiny Birds

As Shoebat.com reported yesterday, the decision by Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to pick a fight with tweeters is ill-advisable, no matter how it turns out. Erdogan now has a fight on his hands and it very well may be one he will regret, though he likely felt it was the best of nothing […]

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Turkey’s Erdogan attempts to Fight twitter Horse (Voices on the Street)

By Ben Barrack There is a reason that most leaders of nations seek to control the people; that reason is simple. Individual citizens without common cause or purpose are no match for consolidated power but power, no matter how consolidated, is no match for an impassioned and unified people. When the voices on the street […]

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The Coming War With Japan

By Theodore Shoebat (Exclusive) Imagine if 100 German politicians all declared that the Holocaust never happened. The protest would be universal. But this very holocaust denial is a reality in Japan, where 100 Japanese lawmakers collectively declared that the Japanese imperial empire never committed a holocaust of Chinese people in the horrific Nanking Massacre in […]

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Islamists Plan To Commit Major Genocide Of Christians

EXCLUSIVE By Kamil Toume Islamists are planning on committing a major genocide on Christians. How do we know this? History is a portal into the future. The Muslims committed one of the greatest genocides on Christians in history: The Armenian Genocide. The Armenians, a Christian group, had lived in the rugged mountain region of eastern […]

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China Is Preparing For A War Against Japan

By Theodore Shoebat China is currently preparing for a “short, sharp war” with Japan, with the purpose of resolving the dispute over who controls the Senkaku islands on the East China Sea. Captain James Fannell of the US Naval Institute in San Diego, California, said: We concluded that the [People’s Liberation Army] has been given […]

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Why We Must Watch Japan In Our Study Of End Times

By Theodore Shoebat While the world is focusing on China and North Korea, there is one nation that has escaped the eye of the universal radar: Japan. Many evangelical writers have continuously affirmed that the armies of the Antichrist will comprise of armies from the Middle East, China, and Russia. While they are fixated on […]

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President Obama’s Uncle: “WE ARE ALL MUSLIM” (Caught on Video)

**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack We obtained several videos from Middle Eastern sources. In one, President Obama’s uncle Sayid, about whom we’ve reported in the past, about his dealings in Saudi Arabia being in bed with Wahhabist madrassas. Here he was assuring the Middle East in this rare interview that the whole […]

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Obama’s Brother Discovered at Party with Muslim Terrorist

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **EXCLUSIVE** We’re learning more about the photo of Malik Obama donning a Hamas scarf while in Sanaa, Yemen in 2010, during a conference. An article by Mareb Press promoted the conference before it took place with the following headline: The “Commander” of the Gaza “Freedom flotilla” was also there. […]

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