By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack
Bassam Estwani, an individual who has been credited with ‘bridge building’ between the U.S. Government and the Muslim community is actually a Muslim Brotherhood spy and terrorist collaborator. Courtesy of even more leaked photos, Estwani is revealed as a big fish who has been a major conduit between powerful politicians and the Muslim world. Secretly, he has been empowering terrorists.
Some pictures are worth 10,000 words. This may be one of them. It is a newly leaked photo obtained by, again of Estwani, the former chairman of the terrorist mosque Dar al-Hijrah. The photo, taken on the day that Estwani delivered an opening prayer on the floor of the House of Representatives at the request of Rep. Thomas M. Davis (R-VA), includes Estwani’s son Osama Estwani and Esam Omeish, a man who has become quite notorious in the years since this photo was taken. To read more about Estwani’s appearance inside the House of Representatives, click here. To read our other exclusives about Estwani [here, here, and here].
Let us first focus on the man standing on the far right in the above photo. His name is Esam Omeish. In 2012, reported that Esam is the man who personally hired Anwar al-Awlaki at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque (around the same time the above photo was taken). Esam sat on the board of Dar al-Hijrah; Estwani served as the mosque’s chairman, and likely approved al-Awlaki’s hiring.
In December of 2000, just two months prior to Estwani’s Islamic prayer being delivered to Congress, Omeish delivered an incendiary speech just outside the White House. He is introduced as being a representative of Dar al-Hijrah and insists that “jihad” is the way and praises the “Mujahid”. He also said the “message of Islam is the guidance to all humanity”.
In 2006, as reported, Omeish gave another speech while wearing a Hamas scarf. In the speech, Omeish said Palestinians were victims of genocide. He also accused U.S. foreign policy of being run by a Jewish agenda. Toward the end of this video, he demanded that George W. Bush “stop calling Islam ‘Islamic fascism’, a reference to one time when Bush referred to Islamic terrorists as ‘Islamic fascists’. By having a problem with that term, Omeish defended terrorists who were inspired by Islamic fundamentalism:
Omeish’s history also includes a rather extensive stint as President of the Muslim American Society (MAS). In 2004, MAS secretary-general Skaker Elsayed – a close colleague of Estwani, as revealed by leaked photos posted to – admitted that the MAS was founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood; a phonebook also confirmed this. Another individual present in the videos above is MAS Executive Director Mahdi Bray, who has also been photographed with Estwani, as reported.
The MAS – an organization with 501(c)(3) status – was at one time headquartered in Overland Park, KS but has since moved to Richardson, TX. Estwani currently serves on the board of another 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization known as Mercy Without Borders, which is headquartered in Overland Park, KS, as reported by
Essam has a brother named Mohamed Omeish, who served on the Board of the George Washington University Muslim Students Association (MSA), a Muslim Brotherhood front group, as a chaplain from at least October, 1999 – April, 2002 as reported by Several weeks after 9/11, Mohamed was joined as an MSA chaplain by none other than Anwar al-Awlaki, who was already serving as an Imam at Dar al-Hijrah (hired there by Esam).
In the summer of 2012, revealed that very close Hillary Clinton aid and Anthony Weiner spouse Huma Abedin had served on GWU’s MSA Board circa 1997:

Huma Abedin served on Board of Muslim Student Association (MSA) at George Washington University (GWU)
To further demonstrate that Esam and his brother are not independent thinkers but of like minds, consider that Mohamed shared an office with none other than convicted terrorist Abdurahman Alamoudi and headed the U.S. Branch of one of bin Laden’s favorite charities – the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO). Mohamed’s office shared the same address as Esam’s MAS.
Esam Omeish also has a connection to the State Department when it was led by Hillary Clinton. As reported, just a few months prior to the Fort Hood massacre at the hands of Awlaki acolyte Nidal Malik Hasan, Esam Omeish was invited by Hillary to attend a conference call, which he attended. The State Department did not respond to requests by Fox News for comment on why it would welcome someone like Omeish onto the call.
Osama Estwani
Returning to the photo at the top of this post, the boy in the photo is identified as 11 year-old Osama Estwani, Bassam’s son. It will become noteworthy that the Omeishs had a relationship with Osama bin Laden’s favorite charity, coupled with the what Estwani chose to name his son.
In 2011, Osama was 21 years-old. In an interview he granted to an Indiana newspaper, Osama played the victim, saying that he was the victim of discrimination because he shared a name with the most well known Muslim terrorist in U.S. history.
Here is an excerpt from the article about Osama’s reaction to 9/11:
“It hurt me deeply, and the Muslim community deeply,” the Crown Point resident said. “It didn’t hurt me just because I am an American. It hurt because I am a person who cares about mankind and because I am a man who cares about all beings.”
Estwani said it was his faith that taught him to care so deeply about others.
After Sept. 11, Estwani’s first name no longer was his own. He shared it with Osama bin Laden, the man believed responsible for the attacks.
Estwani, now 21, said his youth football coach asked to call him by his initials after Sept. 11, so rival players wouldn’t take cheap shots at him.
There you have it. Osama Estwani, the victim of Islamophobia. Based on what we now know about the environment in which he was raised, he’s actually making The Case FOR Islamophobia.
Here is another photo of Osama (age 11). This one was taken with his father and other family members inside the Capitol Hill office of Rep. Thomas M. Davis.