Tag Archives | muslim brotherhood


Shocker: CNN Proudly reports Muslim Brotherhood group putting Smiley face on Sharia

CNN is reporting that the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) has launched a campaign to change negative perceptions about Sharia law. What CNN is NOT reporting is that the ICNA is a Muslim Brotherhood group and was outed as such when a Muslim Brotherhood document penned in 1991 was introduced into evidence in the […]

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Organization led by Yusuf al-Qaradawi calls for Punishing U.S. Soldiers over Qur’an Burnings

The President of an organization known as the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IMUS) is none other than Muslim Brotherhood leader, Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Yes, the same al-Qaradawi whom the Obama administration sought to broker a peace deal with the Taliban. The IUMS is calling for those who burned the Qur’ans at Bagram in Afghanistan to […]

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Muruna: Violating Sharia to Fool the West

Sorry, just getting around to posting this. Last week, our column on a newly discovered tactic sanctioned by Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi was published at Pajamas Media. That tactic is called Muruna: Via PJM: Westerners who understand Islamic deception often refer to “taqiyya” as being the tactic of lying in order to guard the […]

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Video: U.S. Senator says Republican candidates at war with Islam

Back in 2006, The Middle East Quarterly reported on what Democratic Senator Richard Durbin had to say about the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim Brotherhood front group: Senator Dick Durbin (Democrat, Illinois) observes that CAIR is “unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its associations with groups that are suspect.” Here we are […]

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Video: Secretary of State Clinton Warning against arming Syrian Rebels

No doubt, the recent acknowledgment on the part of Hamas that it is abandoning Syria’s Bashar al-Assad assisted in Hillary Clinton’s contention that arming the Syrian rebels would be dangerous. In an interview with CBS, Clinton acknowledged that arming these rebels could place weapons into the hands of al-Qaeda and Hamas. Not only would such […]

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Is Bashar al-Assad “Coup Proof”?

Syria is shaping up to be ground zero in major showdown between the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian-backed Shiite government of Bashar al-Assad. Over the last several days, the specter of Assad’s removal has carried an air of inevitability to it. A significant blow was dealt to Assad when Hamas publicly aligned with the […]

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Department of Defense Official openly apologizes to Muslim Brotherhood leader

I almost changed that headline because I thought it might be slightly misleading but…. it’s really not. See for yourselves. Via My Fox New York: A Defense Department official visited a Virginia mosque Friday to reiterate the White House’s apologies for the burning of Korans at a US military base in Afghanistan, pledging that those […]

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Hillary Clinton in Tunisia; a bit nervous about Arab Spring?

When it comes to the Obama administration, no one has supported the Arab Spring more than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. As mentioned in our previous post, Huma Abedin is a woman whose familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood are beyond extensive; they should have precluded her from acquiring even a modicum of access to […]

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Welcome to Islam: Hamas turns its Back on Bashar al-Assad

In case you’re wondering, yes, I’m blue in the face. If you’ve ever had a dream in which you’re screaming at people about something important and they ignore you like you’re not even there, that’s what I feel like sometimes. I have been making the argument that the best possible outcome in Syria would be […]

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New Jersey Sheriff hires openly Anti-Sharia man to train Deputies

Stories like these are always welcome sights because they’re so few and far between in today’s world. A New Jersey county sheriff has decided to hire none other than former FBI agent and outspoken critic of Islam and Sharia Law, John Guandolo to train his deputies. Via the Tennessean, h/t to Bare Naked Islam: A […]

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Iran Stepping up its support of Bashar al-Assad

There is an important premise that must be understood when it comes to Syria. That country has become a front in a battle between Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood more than it’s about a dictator putting down a revolt. Notice that the Sunni world, to include the same Muslim Brotherhood that has been benefiting the […]

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Huh? John McCain hints that Muslim Brotherhood not that powerful in Egypt

In October of 2008, then presidential candidate Senator John McCain told an audience at a town hall that they have, “no reason to be scared” of an Obama presidency. Then, in 2009, he told another town hall audience that he believed Obama “respects the Constitution of the United States.” Two years later, in April of […]

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Ask not what Egypt can do for you; ask what Egypt will Blackmail you to do for them!

Seriously, what more evidence does one need? The Obama administration helped to facilitate the fall of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. It was all about Democracy! Freedom! If that were true, the Muslim Brotherhood, which filled the vacuum, should be thanking America, asking us how we can be re-paid, right? Uh, not so much. One day […]

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Egyptian Presidential candidate running on Hopelessness and Chains

Typically, if a presidential candidate for any country wanted to take away liberty once elected, being honest about it before an election is usually a recipe for defeat. Look no further than the 2008 presidential campaign. However, there is a candidate in Egypt who has decided to just come out and say Muslim women will […]

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Red Flag: US and Al-Qaeda hold same view on Syria?

Throughout the Arab Spring, the Obama administration has come down on the side of the Muslim Brotherhood in nearly every single instance. In Egypt, the administration did to Mubarak what Jimmy Carter did to the Shah; in Libya, Obama assisted in the overthrow of Gadhafi; now, in Syria, the Obama administration is calling for Bashar […]

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