Archive | General

This category includes articles and announcements.

Shocker: Turkey’s Prime Minister loving himself some Ottoman Empire

It’s amazing how far wearing suits and ties will take you. Doing so has aided Turkey’s Prime Minister in being labeled a moderate despite the fact that he is anything but that. In reality, he reveres the extremely repressive Ottoman Empire and is apparently willing to jail anyone who doesn’t portray Ottoman rulers in an […]

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Does Jeb Bush CAIR too much to be President?

With all of this talk about Jeb Bush running for president in 2016, his record of appeasement when it comes to Islamists in his state when he was Governor of Florida warrants closer inspection. That Presidential election year will mark the tenth anniversary of the forced resignation of O’Neal Dozier, a conservative Pastor whom Bush […]

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Video: French march against Sharia; liberal media ignores, citing Racism

Some may remember one of our earlier posts about a French youth movement known as Generation Identitaire. We posted a YouTube video released by the group, though it’s no longer available due to a copyright claim by Warner Brothers. Nonetheless, the group, which is demanding that France retain its culture and wants to stop the […]

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Cal Thomas Hits The Nail On The Head With Mursi

From Cal Thomas’ Most Recent Column: The diplomatic hosannas for Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi following his brokering of the recent ceasefire between Hamas and Israel were still being heard even as the former head of the Muslim Brotherhood started behaving like a pharaoh. Morsi “temporarily” seized new powers that, among other things, forbid judicial review […]

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Time Magazine’s Joe Klein: Susan Rice’s talking points on Benghazi were ‘accurate’

With the onset of YouTube, we’ve become somewhat desensitized to what used to be considered incredible videos. The bar is raised on a near daily basis now. However, the level of absurdity displayed by Time Magazine’s Joe Klein in the clip below from his appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe hits the mark. This excerpt from […]

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Israel vs. Hamas on The Glazov Gang

Check out this interview with Jamie Glazov on winning the culture war. On this week’s Glazov Gang, our guests were Bill Whittle, Conservative Commentator, Tommi Trudeau, producer of films and music videos, and Leon Weinstein, author of “Capitalism 101.” The Gang Members discussed Israel vs. Hamas. The discussion focused on the pitfalls of the “ceasefire” […]

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By Michael Carl (WND) Christian human-rights analysts warn the expanded powers seized by Egypt’s president means more anti-Christian persecution to come. In a set of legal maneuvers this week, Muslim Brotherhood-anointed President Mohamed Morsi moved to sidestep the courts and make his office immune to judicial oversight. With no constitution to restrain him, Morsi holds […]

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Pat Condell Video: The first step is admitting the enemy is irrational

You know that old saying about admitting you have a problem is half the battle? Well, western civilization collectively admitting that Israel is dealing with an irrational enemy is half the battle for western civilization in the Middle East. Pat Condell nails it again: h/t BNI

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War on Women: Saudi men sent text messages when their women leave the country

In this year’s U.S. presidential election, single women under thirty were convinced that there was a war on women being waged by Republicans who had the gall to expect women should pay for their own contraceptives. Code Pink’s minions literally dressed as vaginas at the Republican National Convention to protest the suppression of women in […]

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Is Chris Christie Compromised? Appoints four Islamists to Outreach Committee

Ryan Mauro over at Radical Islam has a shocking expose’ on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s continuing penchant for putting Muslims with extremely questionable backgrounds, in positions of power. Via Radical Islam: A investigation has discovered that at least four Islamists sit on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s Muslim outreach committee, which was formed […]

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Israelis not happy with Netanyahu over cease-fire?

Little more than one week ago, an Israeli ground offensive into Gaza was “imminent”. Less than one week later, a cease-fire between Hamas and Israel was “imminent”. A significant percentage of Israelis don’t seem to like the equivocating and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to be paying a political price for caving to the international […]

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The Coming Sharia State of Egypt

By Theodore Shoebat Egypt has now a modern pharaoh, named Muhammad Mursi, and with him as the sole ruler, the country will ultimately become an official Sharia state. Sharia is already enforced in some degree, but now that the Muslim Brotherhood is expanding its power, it will implement the edicts of its constitution, the Koran, […]

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