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Obama’s Muslim Envoy Caught LYING should now be FIRED

By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** A decision – not a mistake – made by someone in the U.S. State Department should violently jolt the American people. It was a decision to promote and utilize the deceptive tactic of Muruna, which we explained in great detail at upon discovering it. A searing, white hot spotlight […]

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Muslims Want To Shed The Blood Of The Saints, And Slaughter Every Christian They Meet

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat The life of the saint is one of the watchman, looking down from the edges of the cliffs of the world’s banishment, never ceasing to concentrate the eyes on the movements of the roaring lion, who incessantly lurks about looking for anyone he may devour. Constantly echoing in the ears […]

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The West Is Turning Crusader, And Christians Will Soon Take Up Arms To Destroy The Armies Of The Antichrist

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Last week news flashes globally gave some shock therapy to decades of prophecy hype as Europeans across the continent expressed through voting a desire to dismantle the European Union altogether. So if the European Union will be no more and Europe is turning right, what will happen now to the […]

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Man Challenges Muslims, Muslims Take Man, Cut His Head Off, Wrap It In Plastic, And Dump His Head Into The Local Mosque

By Theodore Shoebat A man in Libya, Abdul Moaz Abdul Razk Turkawi, challenged some members of a Muslim jihadist group. The next day his head was found wrapped in a plastic bag dumped in a mosque. According to a Libyan report: The severed head of a Derna student who apparently challenged members of an Islamist […]

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Rep. Mike Rogers Caught Honoring Ground Zero Mosque Imam And Another Who Worked With A State Sponsoring Islamic Terrorism

By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), the soon-to-be talk radio Congressman is putting another highly disturbing notch in his belt. He is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at an event that will have Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan as guests of honor. When viewed […]

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Muslims Gang Rape 19 Year Old Girl, Girl Runs To Police Where Five Muslims Gang Rape Her And Then Shove Her Complaint Paper Up Her Vagina

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Pakistan gang raped a 19-year young girl, and she ran to the police, two police officers and three other Muslims Where gang raped her and then shove her complaint paper up her vagina. Doctors say that her vagina is in a state of severe mutilation. According to a Pakistani report: […]

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Obama Family Member who Supports Hamas wants to build Jerusalem’s Third Temple

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Yisrayl Hawkins is not a man to be dismissed; he is on a mission from God to rebuild the Third Temple in Jerusalem. He has met with several internationally recognized VIP’s like Shimon Peres, President of Israel, and even the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem along with other […]

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Muslim Man Throws Bricks At His 25 Year Old Daughter Until She Dies, For Not Marrying Her Cousin

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man in Pakistan, and his two sons, threw bricks at his 25 year old daughter, named Farzana Ibqal, until she died, in a fit of rage filled fanaticism after finding out that she did not marry her cousin. The poor woman was pregnant when she was murdered. According to one […]

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State Of Oklahoma Suspends Police Officer For Refusing To Attend Mosque Service

By Theodore Shoebat The police department of Tulsa, Oklahoma, suspended a police officer, Capt. Paul Fields, for refusing to attend a mosque service which was organized by Muslims as a law enforcement appreciation event hosted by the Islamic Society of Tulsa. Although this happened in 2010, the The 10th U.S. Circuit of Appeals just ruled […]

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To Pope Francis: “Where is Palestine in The Bible?”

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Dear Pope Francis, Palestinian officials hailed your decision to refer to biblical Judea as the “State of Palestine” and in the official program, the Vatican referred to President Mahmoud Abbas as the president of the “state of Palestine,” and his Bethlehem office as the “presidential palace.” You pointedly gave Abbas […]

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Muslim Man In Texas Murders Young Woman For Converting To Christianity

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man from Jordan named Ali Irsan was found guilty for the 2012 murder of a young woman in Texas for converting to Christianity. The woman, Gelareh Bagherzadeh, was shot to death by Ali while she was driving into her parents’ family home. According to friends Gelareh “was so sick of […]

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Major JIhadist Leader: “fill the suppressed hearts of believers with joy, and fill the apostates and infidels’ hearts with fear”

By Theodore Shoebat Major Jihadist leader in China’s Xinjiang region, Abdulheq Damolla, who heads the terrorist group, Turkistan Islamic Party, congratulated the Muslim Uighurs for their killings of Chinese people in the knife and bomb attack at the railway station in Urumqi on April 30th. He described the attack was “good news” done by “our […]

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Republican Party works with Muslim Brotherhood Lobbyist to Investigate Benghazi

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The American people are supposed to trust Republicans appointed to investigate Benghazi but as it turns out, the Executive Director appointed to the House Select Committee on Benghazi – Philip Kiko – is a lobbyist for the Smith-Free Group, in which his clients include the American Civil […]

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China Arrests Twenty-Five Muslim Women For Wearing Hijab, Muslims Try To Fight But Chinese Kill 2 Of Them

By Theodore Shoebat China has arrested up to twenty-five Muslim women for wearing hijabs, or the Islamic veil. As has reported, the Chinese government recently outlawed the Muslim veil and Islamic beard, and now they are seriously taking this law into action. The Uyghur Muslims were furious on account of the arrests, and so […]

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Muslims Attack French Soldiers With Machetes, French Open Fire And Take Victory

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim adults and children, armed with machetes and knives, charged after French troops in Bambari, Central Africa. The French responded by opening fire in what would end being a very intense battle, leaving one Muslim dead and number of others injured. Here is a picture, provided one source, showing an injured Muslim […]

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Harlot Of Babylon Saudi Arabia And Antichrist Nation Of Turkey Organize The Massacre Of Christians

By Theodore Shoebat The Muslims are slaughtering Christians every day in Syria, and who is backing and organizing this horrific killing? The Harlot of Babylon nation of Saudi Arabia, and the Antichrist nation of Turkey. Just this week Syrian church leaders gathered together in a meeting in London, and Eustatius Matta Roham, Metropolitan of Jazirah […]

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