The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

New York Times Interview with Innocence of Muslims filmmaker raises question about YouTube channel

There was an interesting tidbit found toward the end of a 6-page article written by Serge Kovaleski and Brooks Barnes of the New York Times – in which the two reporters revealed the contents of their interview with Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the man behind the Innocence of Muslims video. Until now, it was only assumed […]

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Video: State Department spokesman has trouble answering question about U.S. embassy’s authority to kill Anwar Al-Awlaki

It’s quite safe to say that State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland would much rather prefer giving a press conference at which AP reporter Matthew Lee’s chair was empty. Such a scenario was not to be on November 28th and the looks Nuland gives while dealing with Lee’s questions practically portray physical discomfort. At issue… About […]

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Republican Senator raises great question about Susan Rice’s role at State during Kenya / Tanzania bombings

One of the common refrains we hear from people who are rightfully outraged by what happened in Benghazi is that we must find out what happened so that it doesn’t happen again. That leads to a question about U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s time as a State Department employee in charge of the African region during […]

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Former UK Defense Minister’s solution? Neutron bomb on Afghanistan / Pakistan border

It’s interesting to watch this exchange between a Russia Today anchor and correspondent (who, frankly, should put her hands down while reporting) simultaneously report on and mock the rhetoric of former UK Defense Minister Lord Gilbert but given where we are… …do either one of you two have any better ideas? h/t Jawa

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PJM’s Patrick Poole exactly right on Grover Norquist

Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) has been in the news quite a bit lately, as the fiscal conservative who is demanding that Republicans adhere to his no-tax pledge in their fiscal cliff negotiations. Norquist’s position in this case may sound appealing to conservatives but this is one of those rare times when […]

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Republican Senators boiling after meeting with Rice

Regular readers know that we’ve been more than just a little critical of Republican Senators like John McCain and Lindsey Graham when it came to how best to deal with the situations in Libya, Syria, et. al. but in this particular case, they’re right to keep up the pressure on U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. When […]

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Canadian Prime Minister gives USA lesson on leadership

If you’re an American who thinks there is a leadership vacuum on your continent, take a look north of your border; that vacuum may be getting filled in Canada. The Prime Minister there is playing hardball with the Palestinian Authority. Via Arutz Sheva: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper personally intervened to pressure Palestinian Authority Chairman […]

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Slavery, Then and Now

Keith Davies Over the Thanks Giving Holiday weekend I took my family to see the film Lincoln. While I am somewhat familiar with the history, I am sure most Americans are probably very ignorant of those times. Hopefully, this film might shock some of the most die-hard Democrats into understanding the very sordid history of […]

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Shocker: Turkey’s Prime Minister loving himself some Ottoman Empire

It’s amazing how far wearing suits and ties will take you. Doing so has aided Turkey’s Prime Minister in being labeled a moderate despite the fact that he is anything but that. In reality, he reveres the extremely repressive Ottoman Empire and is apparently willing to jail anyone who doesn’t portray Ottoman rulers in an […]

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Does Jeb Bush CAIR too much to be President?

With all of this talk about Jeb Bush running for president in 2016, his record of appeasement when it comes to Islamists in his state when he was Governor of Florida warrants closer inspection. That Presidential election year will mark the tenth anniversary of the forced resignation of O’Neal Dozier, a conservative Pastor whom Bush […]

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Video: French march against Sharia; liberal media ignores, citing Racism

Some may remember one of our earlier posts about a French youth movement known as Generation Identitaire. We posted a YouTube video released by the group, though it’s no longer available due to a copyright claim by Warner Brothers. Nonetheless, the group, which is demanding that France retain its culture and wants to stop the […]

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Cal Thomas Hits The Nail On The Head With Mursi

From Cal Thomas’ Most Recent Column: The diplomatic hosannas for Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi following his brokering of the recent ceasefire between Hamas and Israel were still being heard even as the former head of the Muslim Brotherhood started behaving like a pharaoh. Morsi “temporarily” seized new powers that, among other things, forbid judicial review […]

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Time Magazine’s Joe Klein: Susan Rice’s talking points on Benghazi were ‘accurate’

With the onset of YouTube, we’ve become somewhat desensitized to what used to be considered incredible videos. The bar is raised on a near daily basis now. However, the level of absurdity displayed by Time Magazine’s Joe Klein in the clip below from his appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe hits the mark. This excerpt from […]

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