Tag Archives | abedin


Those Who Mock Bachmann, Are Like Those Who Ignored Nazis

By Theodore Shoebat The anger which has been expressed to Michele Bachmann for her letter to federal officials, calling for an investigation on the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the US, is an event which will be worthy of reading in the future when we look back at all the fools who ignored the Islamic threat. […]

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U.S Ignores Hillary Clinton’s Powerful Aide Huma Abedin at Its Own Risk

A CIA/FBI agent was responsible for creating the first al-Qaeda training manual from classified military sources. Ali Mohamed covertly moved up through the ranks undetected until the Egyptian-born al-Qaeda spy was finally discovered. Though arrested in 1998, Mohamed’s whereabouts and legal status remain unknown. Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan benefited from the same faulty […]

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Shoebat Interviews with Michael Savage 06/21/2011

http://shoebat.org/audio/savage062111.php …an extraordinary interview Walid exposes Huma Abedin, the wife of the disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner as a potential infiltrator in the State Department who has access to sensitive information. This is a fantastic interview with Michael Savage, and goes into detail to the depths of deception of the stealth Jihad that we face as […]

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