Tag Archives | crucified

ISIS Slaughters Three Innocent Men, And Then Crucifies Their Corpses

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat ISIS Kills Muslims While They Are Still Praying and then Crucifies Them In Syria, these men were shot by ISIS while they were still kneeling in the typical Islamic prayer declaring the Shahadatan (Muslim Creed) with their index finger which symbolizes that Allah is a unique one (denouncing the Trinity) […]

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Islamists Plan To Commit Major Genocide Of Christians

EXCLUSIVE By Kamil Toume Islamists are planning on committing a major genocide on Christians. How do we know this? History is a portal into the future. The Muslims committed one of the greatest genocides on Christians in history: The Armenian Genocide. The Armenians, a Christian group, had lived in the rugged mountain region of eastern […]

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