Tag Archives | David Chavern

Islamic State Sponsor of Terrorism and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Pulling for the Same Republican Presidential Candidates in 2016

As it stands today, there are three Republican establishment candidates for President in 2016 that are considered acceptable by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (USCOC) – Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, and Chris Christie. Unfortunately, those candidates are also considered acceptable by Qatar, a nation that harbors Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas terrorist leaders. What’s more disturbing […]

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Obama Giving Terrorist States Billions of Dollars, Spies, Terrorist Commanders and Cop Killers

Cuba is still an officially designated State Sponsor of Terrorism. It also continues providing safe harbor to convicted cop killer Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur) and two members from the “Republic of New Africa” responsible for murdering another police officer. The President of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) recently wrote a letter to President […]

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FLASH! U.S. Chamber of Commerce IN BED with Islamic Terrorists

By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The lobbying powerhouse that is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce signed a pact with a terror state in 2010 when its Executive Vice-President and COO David Chavern traveled to Qatar and officially commissioned the American Chamber of Commerce there (AmCham Qatar). Two years later, the U.S. Chamber would become the […]

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