The consequences of U.S. federal officials allowing Anwar al-Awlaki to slip through their fingers in 2001 are still being felt years later, in much the same way that the consequences of the Obama administration flooding Mexico with high powered weapons in Operation Fast and Furious will be felt for years to come. In the case […]
Tag Archives | fort hood
Fort Hood Jihad Victims May Finally Be Getting Purple Hearts after Attacked by Muslim Terrorist
A new defense policy bill is being pushed through Congress that will essentially identify acts of domestic terrorism in which active military personnel are injured or killed, as an act of war. This will have the effect of granting the murdered and injured victims of Nidal Malik Hasan’s 2009 Fort Hood jihadist attack their Purple […]
30-Year Muslim Plan to Control America has Six Years to Go
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Twenty-five years ago, Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradwai traveled to America and unpacked his plan for a Muslim takeover that would begin one year later and take 30 years to complete. It included a key component and tactic known as Muruna. Like the Ebola virus, it […]
Ex-Imam of Mosque Attended by Muslim who DECAPITATED Oklahoma Woman placed at Event with Ex-CIA Director
In February of 2009, Suhaib Webb – the former Imam of the mosque attended by the Alton Nolen (the man who beheaded an Oklahoma woman last week) – was in attendance at the U.S.-Islamic World Forum (US-IWF), an annual event held in Doha, Qatar that’s co-sponsored by the Qatari government and the Brookings Institute, a […]
‘Lone Wolf’ Fort Hood Jihadist who Committed ‘Workplace Violence’ wants to join Islamic Caliphate
Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan, whose murders the Defense Department identified as the result of ‘workplace violence’ (signaling that Hasan was a lone wolf not motivated by religion) wants to become a citizen of ISIS Caliphate. Hasan, who was mentored by Anwar al-Awlaki – a man whom the Department of Defense embraced after 9/11 […]
Fort Hood Blood on the hands of Clintons, Bush, and U.S. Congressmen
On Today’s show (Video on T-Span Channel 5)… All the evidence one needs in determining if the U.S. Government did its job before and after 9/11 is the fact that the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, VA is still open. Favor was curried and influence bought with President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, House Speaker […]
LEAKED Photos Reveal Congress Facilitated Fort Hood Massacre
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The truth about the 9/11 attacks was in plain sight soon afterward. That it was ignored is evidenced by the fact that the Dar al-Hijrah terrorist mosque is still in operation. The truth about the Fort Hood jihad attack on November 5, 2009 is that it could […]
Accountability is the best way to Ensure Some Tragedies never happen again
By Ben Barrack A common refrain often heard from politicians and mainstream media outlets who investigate and write about scandals or breakdowns that lead to destruction or murder is, “We just want to make sure this never happens again”. What they always seem to avoid is perhaps the best way to ensure their stated objective: […]

Another ‘Hassan’ planning Another Fort Hood-Style Attack signals Much Bigger Problem
A Muslim man named Muhammad Abdullah Hassan “Booker” was recruited by the U.S. Army in February. He was told to report for basic training on April 7th but is now being hunted by the FBI and the Military after it was learned that Hassan had told friends he was planning to commit jihad. Instead of […]
Ted Cruz forgets Fort Hood’s 14th Murder Victim
By Ben Barrack As a Texas talk show host, the topic of the Jihadist attack at Fort Hood has come up on more than one occasion during the show. Whenever I discuss it, one thing remains constant, never-changing. Nidal Malik Hasan murdered 14 people that day, not 13. I always make it a point to […]
Fort Hood and Benghazi parallels
The tenure of outgoing FBI Director Robert Mueller began one week prior to 9/11/01. He will officially step down twelve years later (to the day), on September 4, 2013. Two things of serious import happened on Mueller’s watch. First, Anwar al-Awlaki was let go in 2002, despite their being a warrant for his arrest. Second, […]
Janet Parshall: Walid gives clues about Bombshell Rpt
Walid was interviewed by Janet Parshall today and gave up a few clues about the upcoming Benghazi Bombshell report we will be releasing in the coming days. Today, Walid appeared on In the Market with Janet Parshall to talk on a variety of subjects. The interviewed opened with a discussion about the latest goings on […]
More Jihad at Fort Hood; Obama sends troops to help Egypt’s Mursi
On November 5, 2009, a Jihadist inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood-inspired Anwar Al Awlaki murdered 14 and injured 32 on post at Fort Hood, TX. Today, 400 troops from Fort Hood are being sent to Egypt on a ‘peacekeeping mission’ and what can only be described as an effort to help Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed […]
Must-See Video: Fort Hood Heroes (Part II)
Last October, a group called Fort Hood Heroes produced an awesome video that featured survivors of Nidal Malik Hasan’s Fort Hood Jihad attack. We have been eager to see Part II ever since and it is now available. If you haven’t seen Part I yet, click here. Also, be sure to visit This is […]
Outrage: Defense Department rationale for why Fort Hood Jihad victims shouldn’t receive Purple Hearts
Ben Barrack This new development further demonstrates at least two realities. First, when the United States was hit on 9/11/01, declaring war on “terror” instead of on the actual enemy, was a grave mistake. Second, that mistake is being grossly exploited with legalese and political correctness, this time coming from the Department of Defense (DOD). […]
Daughter of Fort Hood murder victim still close friends with Hasan’s cousin
One of the 14 murder victims of Nidal Malik Hasan was Michael Cahill. Since that day, Cahill’s daughter and the cousin of the Jihadist who murdered her father in the name of Islam have become very close friends. They’ve even co-founded an organization together called the Nawal Foundation and are speaking this week at a […]