Tag Archives | holy war

Muslim Rapes Daughter For 12 Years, Impregnates Her, And Wants Child Dead

Watch this video that shows the misery a young girl has endured under the Islamic fundamentalist sadism of her father, who raped her, impregnated her, and then even threatened to murder her son. After watching, DONATE NOW TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES. After watching this horror, understand that it these very barbarians who are slaughtering Christians […]

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Christian Holy War Is Coming Back, And God Wants A Crusade

By Theodore Shoebat A violent and reckless horde of Muslims are marching toward your neighborhood. When they arrive they will massacre your people, and ruthlessly torture you, very slowly. They will make you watch your wife being raped, and then force her to watch you die, and there is a chance that they will make […]

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Christian Militias On The Rise; A New Crusade Coming

By Theodore Shoebat …Not a campus crusade, but a true crusade, in which the saints carry their cross to fight with the forces of darkness. Christians in the Middle East have for a long time been accustomed to staying away from the fray with Muslims. This has come as a result of both comfort and […]

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