Tag Archives | honor killing


Report: Turkey now at the top of the Honor Killings list

Does anyone think it’s just a coincidence that honor killings in Turkey have gone through the roof since the fall of that country’s secular government over the last ten years? Now, Turkey is allegedly way ahead of Pakistan when it comes to honor killings. Via Europe News: To educated Muslims, honor killing has nothing to […]

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Husband and Daughter linked to death of murdered Iraqi woman in San Diego

Last month, an Iraqi woman was beaten to death inside her own home; a note was found next to her body that called her a “terrorist” and demanded that she return to her country of origin. CAIR’s head in San Diego – Hanif Mohebi – expressed public support for the family and was billed as […]

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All American Muslim Imam Husham Al-Husainy chimes in on Murdered Iraqi woman

Can you say political opportunism? This is a follow-up to the story about an Iraqi woman named Shaima Alwadi who had been beaten in her own home to the point of dying from the injuries days later. A threatening note was reportedly found next to the body that said, “go back to your country you […]

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CAIR San Diego’s Chapter Leader a “Family Friend” of Iraqi woman who was killed

This is a bit of an update to the story we posted yesterday about the Iraqi woman who was allegedly beaten to death with a tire iron inside her home and a threatening note was found nearby. Though it’s too early to determine if this was a ‘hate crime’ or something made to look like […]

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FOX News Gives Some Truth on Islam

SUN TV’s Michael Coren was just on FOX News with Megan Kelly, frankly discussing the topics of religious slaughter and honor killings within Islam. This segment is, in my opinion, unprecedented. Never before has this subject matter been discussed so boldly, so forthrightly, so fully, so accurately and so honestly on cable or broadcast news. […]

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CNN playing Word Omission Games in Honor Killing case

CNN is apparently willing to include the words “honor killing” and “conservative Afghan” in its news reports but is unwilling to say that the honor killing was mandated by Islamic teachings or even mention that the murderers were Muslims. Instead, the word “conservative” has the effect of comparing such nasty people with the Christian right […]

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Women, Disseminating Islamic Propaganda

There are verses in the Koran that compliment women in general but there are many verses that discriminate and advocate control and violence against women in the Koran, Hadith (the words and deeds of the prophet Mohammed) and Sharia Law. In video A you will get the perfume scented propaganda from the deceivers as well […]

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Islam Not Mentioned in Honor Killing Report

Gruesome murder of stepdaughter by Muslim fundamentalist, issues of Islam or “honor killing” not even mentioned in Fox affiliate report. No report at all from other main Stream Media. Politicians and Media from both parties complicit in downfall of America. We the people are all that are left to fight the Islamo fascists. Original Report

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