There has been a major breakthrough in the case of Malik Obama. It may also help to explain why members of Congress, mainstream media, and shockingly, even the attorneys for Tea Party groups targeted by the IRS have chosen to ignore the earth-shattering scandal involving the President’s eldest brother. This new discovery reveals a mosaic […]
Tag Archives | Mitt Romney
Islamic State Sponsor of Terrorism and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Pulling for the Same Republican Presidential Candidates in 2016
As it stands today, there are three Republican establishment candidates for President in 2016 that are considered acceptable by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (USCOC) – Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, and Chris Christie. Unfortunately, those candidates are also considered acceptable by Qatar, a nation that harbors Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas terrorist leaders. What’s more disturbing […]
FLASH! U.S. Chamber of Commerce IN BED with Islamic Terrorists
By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The lobbying powerhouse that is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce signed a pact with a terror state in 2010 when its Executive Vice-President and COO David Chavern traveled to Qatar and officially commissioned the American Chamber of Commerce there (AmCham Qatar). Two years later, the U.S. Chamber would become the […]
Video: Evidence Mitt Romney took a dive?
The ad he refused to run.
War on Women: if you’re a woman and flip burgers at Hardee’s, you might be a prostitute
In Saudi Arabia, there are apparently different standards for being a prostitute. For example, if you work at Hardee’s in Jeddah, cover your head to prevent the public from seeing your face, and are female, well, you might qualify as a ‘prostitute’ according to at least one Saudi cleric. Via Al Arabiya: A Twitter post […]

Libyan Leaks: Secret Document reveals Al-Qaeda ‘brother’ put in control of U.S. Embassy in Tripoli
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack A treasure trove of secret documents has been obtained by a Libyan source who says that secularists in his country are increasingly wanting to see Mitt Romney defeat Barack Obama on November 6th. This charge is being made despite Muslim Brotherhood losses in Libyan elections last July which resulted in […]
Anne Bayefsky completely deconstructs Obama’s words about Israel by pointing to his record
At the third presidential debate, Barack Obama defended not taking a trip to Israel during his administration – despite visiting surrounding nations – by pointing to a trip he took before he was elected. Anne Bayefsky starts there and doesn’t stop until Obama’s anti-Israel record is completely deconstructed and laid bare. A Must-read. Now, after […]
Video: Jewish Attorney who voted for Obama in 2008 is voting for….
…yeah, this is getting easier to predict, isn’t it?
Video: Jewish Democrat who voted for Obama becomes Republican, will vote for Romney
Ari was once a Jewish Democrat who voted for Obama. He is now a Jewish Republican who is voting for Romney.
Obama’s Kamikaze Presidential Election
Be sure to read our recent report, 9/11: 3000 Americans for Three Saudi Princes ———————– Keith Davies Many conservatives have been depressed about the latest polling results from the mainstream media-sponsored groups like Gallup and many other pollsters who put Obama ahead by 4-6 points after the “bounce” after the DNC convention. On top of […]
Newt Gingrich rebuts former Campaign official; says lack of foreign policy experience on Republican ticket an ‘advantage’
There seems to be a minor tete-a-tete going on between Newt Gingrich and Christian Whiton, a man who worked on the former House Speaker’s presidential campaign; Whiton also worked at the State Department from 2003 – 2009. In an interview yesterday, Whiton asserted that Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan was ‘unfortunate’ due to Ryan’s […]
Video: Former DNC Chairman / Hillary Supporter mockingly suggests Romney should select Bachmann as Running mate
One of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s most ardent supporters – Ed Rendell – appeared on Face the Nation and was asked who he thought Mitt Romney was going to select as his running mate. In what appeared to be an attempt to paint Bachmann as a kook for raising questions about Muslim Brotherhood penetration […]
Video: Romney asked about Huma Abedin; won’t attack Bachmann
Mitt Romney was asked about the calls for an investigation into the background of Hillary Clinton’s closest advisor, Huma Abedin. His response was quite different from that of some other establishment Republicans. Via Huffington Post: Mitt Romney declined to speak out against Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and four other House Republicans on Friday for seeking […]