In his interview with former Congressman Allen West, Lee Kaplan explains the working relationship between Islamists and leftists on university campuses and why administrations at those colleges allow it. It’s worth noting that when talking about groups like the Muslim Students Association (MSA), it’s important to consider that such groups have been putting down roots […]
Tag Archives | muslim brotherhood
Video: CAIR News Update
Don’t you love it how a group whose founders support the very racist Hamas spend all of their time crying about being victims of discrimination? Click Here to sign up for our daily newsletter and never miss what’s going on at Here’s CAIR’s Ibrahim Hooper in his group’s news update video: h/t BNI
Why is John Boehner stonewalling… on Benghazi?
Stonewall: to block, stall, or resist intentionally In the game of cricket, the term stonewall means to: play a defensive game, as by persistently blocking the ball instead of batting it for distance and runs. When it comes to getting the truth about the 9/11 attacks in Benghazi that left four Americans dead, the Obama administration […]
Prophecy: What Lies Ahead
By Walid Shoebat The U.S. and Israel are concerned about Iran’s Uranium Enrichment; Iran experiments with Duetrium, Brillium and Tritium – agents that are only used to detonate a Nuclear bomb. They have no waste facilities and it’s like the 9/11 hijackers learning how to take off but having no interest in learning how to […]
‘Tis the Season for Treason
In a video, Bill Whittle explained the difference between a ‘traitor’ and a ‘turncoat’. The former describes an individual who actively fights against his nation because he/she opposes it based on ideology, principles, or some agenda. The latter describes an individual who changes sides because the enemy is winning. In the case of America’s most […]
Leonard Pitts the latest Huma Abedin defender?
In a column by far left-wing writer Leonard Pitts, he bemoaned the conservative wing of the Republican Party in general and had the following to say about Rep. Michele Bachmann in particular: Via the Miami Herald: Then there is Bobby Jindal. The Louisiana governor, widely considered a rising star of the GOP has, since the […]
While in U.S., Iraqi Cleric to Jews: ‘Allah chose Hitler to kill you… apes and pigs’
So much for the left fighting racism. An Iraqi cleric named Qays Bin Khalil Al-Kalbi, while in America, said something far more racist than anything anyone normally the targets of race-baiters in the liberal mainstream media. Check out what Al-Kalbi said on Al-Aqsa TV (Video below): They try to give the impression that the Israelis […]
Audio: The Vetting of John Brennan
Today, on Ben Barrack’s radio show, he devoted the entire hour to the vetting of Barack Obama’s nominee for CIA Director, John Brennan. Is it a good thing to be afflicted with Islamophobia? Pre-order the new book from Walid Shoebat, The Case FOR ISLAMOPHOBIA: Jihad by the Word; America’s Final Warning.
News to Huma Abedin? Chuck Hagel allegedly said State Department an adjunct of Israeli Government
Former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel – Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Defense – appears to have another battle to fight relative to past comments that increasingly make the case that he is anti-Israel at best and anti-Semitic at worst (note that it is Republicans who are opposing their own; Democrats rarely do that). Hagel […]
Did Senator accuse Barack Obama of Manslaughter in Benghazi?
It’s now a matter of record that Barack Obama made no phone calls during the many hours that transpired during the 9/11/12 Benghazi attacks. What’s also now a matter of record is the fact that Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – whether he realizes it or not – seems to have made the case for Obama’s […]
Walid Shoebat’s new book: The Case FOR ISLAMOPHOBIA
It’s been some time since Walid has published a book but his latest – which is being released on March 15th – will not disappoint. The Muslim Brotherhood groups in America have been here long enough to learn how to play the victim card. Muslim groups scream ‘Islamophobia’ as often as Jesse Jackson and Al […]
Time to take another look at the Q&A AFTER John Brennan’s 2010 speech at NYU?
“I’d like to think that everybody is born into this world with a certain amount of innocence to them and unfortunately, sometimes as they go through life, forces of evil will bring them down a certain path.” – John Brennan, February 13, 2010. In light of John Brennan’s nomination to be Barack Obama’s CIA Director, […]
Video: The John Brennan puzzle is slowly being pieced together
Folks, don’t look now but the pieces of the Benghazi puzzle are starting to come together. Check out this video from Tom Trento – the same guy who interviewed John Guandolo last week about John Brennan’s alleged conversion to Islam. Before scoffing at the conversion, ask yourself if Brennan HAD converted to Islam, would he […]
Rep. Michele Bachmann: Senate should reject John Brennan as CIA Director
In an opinion piece that appears on the Breitbart site, the very courageous Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is calling for the Senate to reject Barack Obama’s nominee to head the CIA – John Brennan. Though the congresswoman from Minnesota doesn’t make mention of claims by John Guandolo, that the former FBI Agent has sources who […]
Confirmed: Al Gore is Evil; Silent on Al Jazeera’s Yusuf Al Qaradawi programming
Would you give a larger platform to an entity that regularly features an imam who says people who leave Islam should be crucified, by doing business with that entity? Al Gore would… and did when he sold CURRENT TV to Al Jazeera. Now he’s silent when asked about that despicable reality. Via The Daily Caller: […]
Did John Brennan’s actions play a role in Benghazi attacks?
When coupled with the shocking claim by John Guandolo, that Barack Obama’s chief counterterrorism adviser John Brennan, converted to Islam while a station chief in Saudi Arabia in the 1990’s, some of the details released from a new book written by a retired Green Beret and a Navy SEAL may take on added significance. Among […]