Tag Archives | muslim brotherhood


Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder publicly Connects with Youssef Qaradawi

In 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed an order that allowed Tariq Ramadan back into the United States after being banned during the Bush administration because of his ties to terrorist organizations. Last month, we learned that the Obama administration had enlisted the help of current Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef al-Qaradawi to be an […]

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Are Turkey and Iran playing Tug-of-war with Iraq?

When the likes of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood or Hamas align with Shiite groups and / or countries like Hezbollah and Iran, it is an alliance of convenience against a more hated enemy. When that alliance is no longer necessary, those allies eventually turn on each other. We’re beginning to see this dynamic taking place […]

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U.S Ignores Hillary Clinton’s Powerful Aide Huma Abedin at Its Own Risk

A CIA/FBI agent was responsible for creating the first al-Qaeda training manual from classified military sources. Ali Mohamed covertly moved up through the ranks undetected until the Egyptian-born al-Qaeda spy was finally discovered. Though arrested in 1998, Mohamed’s whereabouts and legal status remain unknown. Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan benefited from the same faulty […]

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Bill Carroll – Radio Talk Show Epitomizes American Naivety on Islamic Deceit

http://shoebat.org/audio/walidCarroll061711.php Walid tries to explain to Bill Carroll Talk show host of KFI the second largest station in Los Angeles the issue concerning women in Islam and the potential problems having someone who has close associations with the Muslim brotherhood advising our Secretary of State as well as having access to sensitive information. We are […]

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Los Angeles: The First Major City to Fall to The Islamic Caliphate

http://shoebat.org/videos/lapdMuslims.php LA County Police Department has now been completely infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood: Tom Trento our friend over at United West exposes the LA Police Dept as blathering fools who have fallen to the deceit of fundamentalist Islam. Watch this with shock and disgust at the foolishness of Americans in leadership positions…

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Sisterhood List and It’s Defined Goals

THE SISTERHOOD LIST AND DEFINED GOALS In Al-Liwa Al-Arabi, it defines the roll of Muslim Women in the Muslim Brotherhood: “The sources acquired by The Arab Brigade for information and documents regarding the most serious international body of the prohibited Brotherhood organization—The Muslim Sisterhood. This [branch] comes directly after the secret service of the Muslim […]

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By Peace We Will and Continue to be Deceived‏

As our leaders and media continue to try and hide what is going on in the Middle East and in your local US mosque, we as a nation choose peace over truth and justice. We choose self-deception and delusion because the truth is ugly. We choose to vilify and isolate those that speak the truth […]

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Walid Shoebat’s Interview on Lou Dobbs Radio Talk Show [02/15/2011]

..And WALID SHOEBAT, former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, talked about the surprising decision by President Mubarak to step down as President of Egypt, what it was like to be in the Muslim Brotherhood, and if they are the threat to democracy in Egypt that many believe… http://shoebat.org/audio/loudobbs021511.php

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