In Al-Liwa Al-Arabi, it defines the roll of Muslim Women in the Muslim Brotherhood:
“The sources acquired by The Arab Brigade for information and documents regarding the most serious international body of the prohibited Brotherhood organization—The Muslim Sisterhood. This [branch] comes directly after the secret service of the Muslim Brotherhood. In respect to this instrument and the recruitment, organization and preparation of the Sisterhood branch; the leaders of the banned organization shroud this instrument with secrecy since its members are the wives of some of the highest-ranking leaders in the Muslim Brotherhood. The leaders established the Sisterhood as an essential instrument in the role of women:
— One of these rolls is the use for women in underground network to smuggle secret documents for the members since women go undetected by security surveillance.
—The Muslim Brotherhood also depends on new recruits to spread the Brotherhood’s ideology by infiltrating universities, schools and homes. This instrument’s specialty will be the planning and implementation of the global trends of the Muslim Brotherhood and to monitor these implementations at a state level and support its decision making in coordination with the Guidance Office with respect to the global areas of women’s work.
—This instrument consists of 40 divisions spread throughout different continents and has several responsibilities, some of which is at the forefront [of the cause], that is to lay the plans for the Sisterhood to work at the state level.
—This organization works through partnering with other women’s organizations worldwide and work with these concerning Islamic issues and to partner with such organizations to fulfill the interests of the Brotherhood and also to benefit from international women’s conferences and unify all efforts to benefit the Brotherhood globally.
—To benefit from the exchanged experiences and to develop upon them.
—Prepare the Sisterhood’s missionary icons in order to lead women’s movements globally. Also, the Sisterhood’s International Division will organize projects which will penetrate it prohibited ideology into the decision making in the West and in an indirect way under the guise of ‘general needs of women’.
—As for the regional spread of the ideology within states; these are done through the university and the state capitals and institutions and is done in accordance to the project Al-Islam Huwa Al-Hal (Islam is the solution)”.
The list of names of the organization Sisterhood:
Wafa Mustafa Mashhur, daughter of a banned group advisor, Mustafa Mashhur.
Ilham Saad Abdalbeser wife of Mohi Hamid Guidance Bureau member
Khadija Hassan Abdulla Ali wife of Hamid Mohamed Shaaban, a leader in the Muslim Brotherhood
Manal Abu Hassan, Professor of October Sixth Journalism University and the wife of Asim Chalabi, head of Media Committee in the Muslim Brotherhood
Asma Sa’ad Eddin Lachin, the daughter of an official opposition group in the Eastern province
Makarim Dairi, a Muslim Brotherhood candidate from the People’s Council during 2005 in the Nasr City constituency and the wife of senior leader and member of the Guidance Bureau, Ibrahim Sharaf
Najla Ali Mahmoud Mohammed’s wife of Aidalmrsi member of the Guidance Bureau
Jihan Halafawi wife of leader Ibrahim Za’farani, who was arrested with others in the case #101, and the candidate of the banned People’s Assembly during the 2000 elections
Azza Mohamed Hamdi wife of Brotherhood member Ihab Ibrahim Mohamed
Nahla Mohamed Allahita Yousef, wife of Mohamed Amr Darraj
Afaf Fadl Al-Sisi, wife of leader Essam el-Erian
Camellia Helmy Mohamed Mohamed, wife of leader Siraj Al-Din Allboudi who was accused in the issue of the International Women’s Organization in 2002
Hanaa Mohammed Abdel Salam
Aida Mohamed Ali wife of Madbouli Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed Ibrahim, a member of the administrative office in Suez
Wafa Mukhtar Mustafa Habib wife of leader Mohamed Hesham Mostafa Souli of the Ismailia Governorate
Aida Al-Mutlaq
Abeer Pharaon
Nayla Najib Alrashwan
Kamel Sharif
Zainab Abdulaziz
Suheir Gelbana
Maha Kamel Al-Sharif
Jaber Al-Kawthar
Zuhair Lzimaili
Hanan Ibrahim
Fadawi Agheidi
Abdullah Mohammed Ali al-Dabbagh
Abdul Rahman Abu Dom
Fatima Fakhro
Hassan Sayed Ahmed
Amina Al Jaber
Ahmed Asir
Suheir Qureshi
Badria Al Mutawa
Amal Nasir
Sana Abed
Mahasen Hamouda
Suad Al-Jarallah
Mohammed Najafi
Saleha Mahmoud Abdeen
Abdullah bin Turki
Abdul Aziz al-Qurashi
Adnan Al-Mazrou’
Fatima Nassif, an Islamic advocate and a professor at Um Al-Qura School of Sharia

Hillary at Dar al-Hekma University in 2010 with Sisterhood leader Saleha Abedin (left). Huma Abedin (Saleha’s daughter) and Hillary (right).
Saida Azam
Rana Sa’adeh
Umm Hatem
Fouad Alaoui
Thami Ibriz
Sherine Al-Alami
Haifa Abu Ghazaleh
Mariam Al-Awadi
Abdullah Alnoshan
Sharif Al-Khatib
Khaled Fadl
Balqees Al-Shari
Fawzia Ashmawi, President of the Forum of European Muslim women
Ibtisam Zfroe activist in the Islamic Foundation of Good Hope.
Suha Farouki
Aisha Limo
Rihanna Sadeq
Khadija Abu Jassim
Marwa Jakton
Maitha Al Shamsi
Nur Al-Sweedi ..
Fatima Khalil Laum Nofal
Batul Mohiuddin
Fatima Omar
Mohammad Krmos of the Muslim Association of Switzerland
Sheriff Amniyeh
Tasneem Sheikh Suhail
The principles and the foundations on which the Sisterhood is divided is into several groups, including specialized aspect of the educational and advocacy groups. The activity of the Sisterhood is concerning students taking an activate role in the field, whether in schools or universities, as well as to guide the students towards the sectors of education and specific scientific interest of the Muslim Brotherhood through the Faculty of Economy, Political Science, Media, Kindergarten, Education, Humanities and all areas of maternity and childhood development.