Tag Archives | muslim


Islamic Rhetoric Has Nothing to Do With Terror If You Are a Left-Winger

Islamic Rhetoric Has Nothing to Do With Terror If You Are a Left-Winger Keith Davies Executive Director Walid Shoebat Foundation When Jared Loughner murdered six innocents and injured about a dozen others within a few hours the left wing media lead by Paul Krugman of the New York Times was quick on the trigger (sorry […]

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Voice of Martyr TV Report [January 2011]

In the January edition of the Persecution Report, you’ll meet “Ishmael” who went from persecuting Christians to be an evangelist and house church leader in Indonesia and the challenges he and his family have faced since leaving Islam for Christianity. Other reports include a Pakistani pastor who was beaten and now is facing death threats […]

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Undercover Mosque: Mainstream Mosque in UK Preaches Violence and Hate Towards Non-Believers

This documentary was released July 2007 by the program “Dispatches.” Moderate Mosques that teach: abuse of women, only to accept Islamic rule, not to ever accept true friendship with Christians and Jews, underage marriage, and more “beautiful Islamic” ideas. Click Here to View Video Clip

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United Arab Emirates Camel-Jockey Slave Kids

A Child Slave Trade on the Arabian Peninsula: Boys as young as three are sold by their families, deprived of food and sleep, and forced to become jockeys for camel racing. They are held behind barbed wire in captivity and beaten into obedience – all for entertainment for the ruling Sheiks. Watch as the camels […]

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Christian persecution in Iraq and Turkey Today, 2 New Videos

From Journeyman Pictures December 2010 In Iraq… Christians have lived in Iraq for 2,000 years but this Christmas they’re not celebrating. Under increasing attack from Islamic fundamentalists are they about to be driven from their ancestral homeland? Meet Canon Andrew White, an Anglican priest who serves the largest congregation of Christians in Baghdad. His service […]

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Controversial event comes to Killeen – News Report and Article

CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO NEWS REPORT To honor the Nov. 5th anniversary, one group will send out a heated message against Islam. Tomorrow, retired Army General Jerry Boykin and former terrorists like Walid Shoebat will speak on counter terrorism. Shoebat is well-known for his stance against the Islamic religion. He converted to Christianity twenty […]

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Is Israel ‘a rogue state’? You’d better hope so…

Is Israel ‘a rogue state’? You’d better hope so By GABRIEL LATNER 16/11/2010 An expectation-defying speech delivered at a Cambridge University student debate last month. This is a war of ideals, and the other speakers here tonight are rightfully, idealists. I’m not. I’m a realist. I’m here to win. I have a single goal this […]

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First US targeted assassination in Gaza pre-empts next Al Qaeda offensive

First US targeted assassination in Gaza pre-empts next Al Qaeda offensive DEBKAfile Exclusive Report November 4, 2010, 1:18 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Al Qaeda-Gaza US missile Anti-US terror in Sinai Missile struck Al Qaeda operative’s car in Gaza A missile fired from an American warship in the Mediterranean hit the car in which Muhammad Jamal A-Namnam, […]

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