Tag Archives | Nazis

Photo: Pelosi caught at Fundraiser with CAIR Founder Nihad Awad

Steve Emerson’s Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has published a photo of Democratic House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi at a fundraiser with none other than Nihad Awad, the founder and Executive Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) this past May. The purpose of the fundraiser was apparently to raise money for Democratic […]

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Why is the Southern Poverty Law Center aligning with Muslim Public Affairs Council?

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has positioned itself as being anti-Nazi (a term it likes to equate with right-wing extremism, despite the fact that ‘Nazi’ translates to ‘National Socialist’ – a leftwing ideology). Yet, curiously, SPLC has chosen to align itself with the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). A founder of MPAC, Salam Al-Marayati, […]

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Video: Hamas MP says it’s time for Islam to pick up where Nazis left off

If it weren’t so deadly serious, western media’s ignorance of this elephant in the room would be laughable. Unfortunately, it’s deadly serious. Hamas MP Sheik Yunis Al-Astal proclaims that when it comes to persecuting the Jews, it’s time for the baton to be passed from the Nazis to Islam. Via MEMRI:

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Der Spiegel: Neo-Nazis aided Arafat’s Black September in 1972 Munich Attack

It seems like just yesterday when we learned that NPR consistently furthers a narrative that says Yasser Arafat only “flirted with limited violence.” Oh yeah, it WAS yesterday. Timohty McVeigh has rightfully been demonized for being a Neo-Nazi. According to CNN, that makes him a ‘right wing extremist’. Uh, if Timothy McVeigh was a ‘right […]

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Why the Left doesn’t confront Islam while smearing Christians

Have you ever wondered why gay rights groups in the west aggressively attack Christians who merely disagree with their lifestyle and are virtually silent by comparison as homosexuals are systematically murdered in Iran for… being homosexual? Have you ever wondered why the National Organization for Women (NOW) aggressively derides Christians who believe in traditional family […]

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Eltayeb Mustafa: Sudan’s Nimrod

By Theodore and Walid Shoebat “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.” (Genesis 10: 8-9) In the Bible, the first tyrant, Nimrod, is described as a great […]

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Got Islamophobia? Turks in Europe reportedly changing the names of German towns

Perhaps this can be filed under creeping sharia colonization. Turks in Germany, apparently unsatisfied with intimidating German citizens into staying out of areas they’ve declared as their own, have taken matters a step further. Via Islam versus Europe: Turks colonising the German city of Mannheim have decided to rename a part of the city where […]

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Video: Jewish Fraternity members have Swastikas keyed into their cars

If you could go back to the 1930’s in Europe, things like this were likely quite prevalent. Members of a Jewish fraternity at Washington University in Missouri found their cars keyed with swastikas. How are these not hate crimes? From KSDK via GWP: CLICK HERE for the video.

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