Tag Archives | Neville Chamberlain

Why Muslim Terror Attack in France will Help Anti-Islam Politicians and Hurt Socialist Politicians

In 2004, the Madrid train bombings in Spain shockingly seemed to helped the socialist candidate José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero win the election for Prime Minister three days later. It didn’t make sense that the more conservative government of José María Aznar would actually suffer defeat due to a terror attack; it didn’t fit the model. […]

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Spanish Mayor putting British Prime Minister to Shame

Count the Mayor of a Spanish city named Vitoria as the latest politician to actually open the peoples’ playbook for dealing with its Muslim problem. Despite it being obvious, Mayor Javier Maroto is still the exception, not the rule. British Prime Minister David Cameron perhaps demonstrates that best. Maroto called out “Moroccans and Algerians” who […]

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Why is John Boehner stonewalling… on Benghazi?

Stonewall: to block, stall, or resist intentionally In the game of cricket, the term stonewall means to: play a defensive game, as by persistently blocking the ball instead of batting it for distance and runs. When it comes to getting the truth about the 9/11 attacks in Benghazi that left four Americans dead, the Obama administration […]

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Ode to Weak Leaders whom we can no longer afford to follow

In 1940, as Hitler’s intentions became manifestly apparent, British politicians finally began to realize that Winston Churchill had been right and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had been very, very wrong. Here is an excerpt from a speech given by Leo Amery, who was a British Member of Parliament at the time. Check out what he […]

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