Tag Archives | Peter Kassig

Obama Says Latest Beheading By ISIS Not Done By Muslims

The latest westerner to be beheaded by ISIS was a man named Peter Kassig who, after converting to Islam while in captivity, became Abdul-Rahman Kassig. In a statement, President Barack Obama kept up his ‘ISIL is not Islamic’ meme while insisting that Kassig’s murderers were not Islamic, despite the group’s leader having a PhD in […]

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Next American to be Beheaded is a Convert to Islam but that doesn’t seem to help

At the end of the video featuring ISIS beheading victim Alan Henning, the next victim is presented. His name is Peter Kassig and he is an American Army vet who converted to Islam while in captivity; that doesn’t seem to be enough. Like the others, Kassig appears to be a leftist who is sympathetic to […]

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