Right now, there are two kinds of politicians who control Washington. Those who are trying to destroy the country and those who refuse to fight them; it’s evil vs. cowardice. The people of this nation are going to have to force action and the only way to do that is through sheer numbers. This short […]
Tag Archives | protest
Church kicks out Christian Woman so Imam can sing Muslim Call to Prayer
When is the last time you saw a Christian allowed to recite the ‘Our Father’ or read John 14:6 aloud inside a mosque? Instead of racking your brain fruitlessly, check out this story about a German woman named Heidi Mund. Watch what happened after she spoke up with righteous anger after an imam was singing […]
Video: French march against Sharia; liberal media ignores, citing Racism
Some may remember one of our earlier posts about a French youth movement known as Generation Identitaire. We posted a YouTube video released by the group, though it’s no longer available due to a copyright claim by Warner Brothers. Nonetheless, the group, which is demanding that France retain its culture and wants to stop the […]
Video: Unhinged, Pro-Palestinian miscreant attacks 62 year-old man for filming anti-Israel demonstration
This short video of an anti-Israel demonstration in San Francisco picks up at the :45 mark when a protester (sex unknown) assaults a 62 year-old man, knocking down his camera and then kicking him. Watch to the end as you can see what a completely irrational human being looks like. Someone needs an intervention. **Language […]

Can we start talking about what really happened on September 11th now?
As supposedly responsible people continue to point fingers over who knew what (and when) relative to what caused the 9/11/12 attack in Benghazi, we thought it timely to revisit Walid’s discovery on September 13th; it puts so many ‘experts’ to shame. In the closed-door testimony of former CIA Director David Petraeus on November 16th, he […]
Video: Islamist / Atheist Showdown in Australia
The setting for this exercise of free speech between the Islamist and the atheists is Australia, at the Global Atheist Convention in Melbourne. After Islamists showed up to disrupt the convention, the atheists began mocking them. Perhaps the best part came when the atheists likened the Islamists to the band, ZZ Top. h/t Jawa
Video: Anti-Islam protest in Luton, England on May 5
Some might remember that earlier this month, we posted a video of a young British woman named Stacy Dooley, who was shocked to find that Muslims had practically taken over her hometown of Luton, England. It appears that Ms. Dooley is not the only person who has noticed the changes in Luton. On May 5, […]
Hate of Arabs and Muslim in Orange County: The Propaganda of CAIR Exposed
We have the official CAIR video Southern California showing “Hate comes to Orange County.” The video tries to label counter Jihad protesters and patriotic Americans as bigots. And we have a clip from the video that exposes the true facts of really why the protesters were so upset… http://shoebat.org/videos/hateOC.php
Shoebat.com Shariah Watch Update: Imam Refuses To Call Hamas A Terrorist Organization
http://shoebat.org/videos/hamasNotTerror.php Shoebat.com Shariah Watch Update: Imam Refuses To Call Hamas A Terrorist Organization Click Here To Watch Video
Brave Lone Daniel Stands Against The Hate
http://shoebat.org/videos/daniel.php Brave Lone Daniel Stands Against The Hate Daniel, a young man stands alone against a hateful group of Islamists and Leftists. CLICK HERE TO VIEW