Tag Archives | rape


Women, Disseminating Islamic Propaganda

There are verses in the Koran that compliment women in general but there are many verses that discriminate and advocate control and violence against women in the Koran, Hadith (the words and deeds of the prophet Mohammed) and Sharia Law. In video A you will get the perfume scented propaganda from the deceivers as well […]

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Norwegian Rapes: 100% By Men of “Non Western Background” (IE, PC for Muslim)

http://shoebat.org/videos/assaultOslo.php In last 5 years in Norway 100% of rape cases are carried out by Muslims or men of “Non Western Background.” The Western Media cannot bring themselves to even utter the word “Islam” in their reports. If it were Jews doing such things it would be on the tip of their tongues. At least […]

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