Tag Archives | syria


Brotherhood Leader Qaradawi openly rallying support for Syrian opposition

Well, that didn’t take long. I no sooner finished posting my previous entry when I saw that Muslim Brotherhood cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi is in Qatar with other Brotherhood clerics in an attempt to rally support for the Syrian opposition. Critical thinking DEMANDS this be questioned and not dismissed. Via the Khaleej Times / AFP: The […]

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Iran Stepping up its support of Bashar al-Assad

There is an important premise that must be understood when it comes to Syria. That country has become a front in a battle between Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood more than it’s about a dictator putting down a revolt. Notice that the Sunni world, to include the same Muslim Brotherhood that has been benefiting the […]

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Red Flag: US and Al-Qaeda hold same view on Syria?

Throughout the Arab Spring, the Obama administration has come down on the side of the Muslim Brotherhood in nearly every single instance. In Egypt, the administration did to Mubarak what Jimmy Carter did to the Shah; in Libya, Obama assisted in the overthrow of Gadhafi; now, in Syria, the Obama administration is calling for Bashar […]

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Why is Obama Cozying up with Turkish Islamists?

One of the countries that has benefited greatly from the Obama administration’s Middle Eastern policies is Turkey. The Muslim Brotherhood seeks a return to the Ottoman Empire, which was based in what is now modern day Turkey. The AK Party that is now running Turkey is interested in the same thing, though it still plays […]

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It’s time to ask why Turkey supports Intervening in Syria

Note that Russia is standing by Syria’s Assad and Turkey is denouncing him. Remember, Turkey supports the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood. When the Islamist government that controls Turkey supports the overthrow of a dictator, it’s time to question motives. I wrote about whether or not the West should support Assad’s removal. The main reason […]

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Homs Massacre: Should Assad Go?

More than 5,400 people have been killed in Syria since the uprising began in March. The number of dead in Homs alone is now over over 200 and climbing. The Assad regime says terrorists acting out a foreign conspiracy to destabilize the country are behind the uprising, not people seeking to transform the authoritarian regime. […]

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Shocker: Hamas Leader seeks higher post with Muslim Brotherhood

Those of us who have been shouting from the rooftops that Hamas is simply an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood continue to be proven correct. Here is another in a long line of examples that should motivate people in positions of power to admit the truth and confront it. Hamas’ man in Syria – Khaled […]

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Are Turkey and Iran playing Tug-of-war with Iraq?

When the likes of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood or Hamas align with Shiite groups and / or countries like Hezbollah and Iran, it is an alliance of convenience against a more hated enemy. When that alliance is no longer necessary, those allies eventually turn on each other. We’re beginning to see this dynamic taking place […]

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