By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** When Ali Mohamed, the most embarrassing Muslim spy to ever join America’s ranks, was caught and ‘trusted experts’ acknowledged his deep involvement with Islamic terrorism, specifically Al-Qaeda, the government covered up his role as a double agent. It’s an old story many consider dust in the wind until of […]
Tag Archives | Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm
Fox Reporter Avoids Egyptian Connection to Benghazi Attacks
When it comes to implicating Egyptian terrorist individuals and groups or the former Mohammed Mursi regime in the Benghazi attacks, there is a palpable reticence in the conservative media to do so. The latest example comes from Fox News reporter Adam Housley, who otherwise delivered some very important information. Sources on the ground in Benghazi […]

Egypt Television airing our work on Benghazi suspect
This video was sent in by one of our readers. It appears to be one produced originally by the Western Center for Journalism back in August. We cannot confirm and do not endorse all of the claims made in the video (we refer you to our “Ironclad” Report when seeking our positions on this subject […]
Benghazi Suspect Trained in U.S.A.
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack A break in the Banghazi attacks came when one terrorist was killed during the raid in Nasr City in Egypt in late October, 2012. One terrorist killed during the raid was a man by the name Karim Ahmed Essam al-Azizy, a Libyan national which Reuters reported was connected to […]