Tag Archives | turkey

Group Claiming to be Israel’s Sanhedrin Ready to Accept Islamic Mahdi

By Walid Shoebat Whoever imagined that before Jesus’ second coming that Israel must be reestablished with the Sanhedrin, its religious legal institution, the very agency that put Him on trial before a Jewish Council. Recently, a group claiming to be the Sanhedrin, still, chose someone else besides its rightful Messiah, and have even embraced the […]

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Erdogan: Forerunner of Antichrist?

By Walid Shoebat As a rule, we do thorough research before incorporating that research into our reports. In this case, I thought I’d let others do the talking when it comes to Turkey’s Primer Minister. Via Hurriyet: “President Erdogan made a speech at the Erzurum Meeting which he titled ‘Respect for Natianol Will’. In it, […]

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The Economist: Turkey’s Erdogan (not Islam) is the problem

While Turkey’s national flag is red, that’s not the red flag we’ve been waving about Turkey for years now. Yet, magically, now that riots are being met with government force in Taksim Square, the light is finally starting to go on for a few people. Via The Economist: BROKEN heads, tear gas, water-cannon: it must […]

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Erdogan’s Maryland ‘Mega Mosque’ will double as an ‘Ottoman Embassy’

By Walid Shoebat The Turkish Prime Minister who once said, “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers” visited Lanham, Maryland to visit the 15-acre site of a $100 million meg-mosque which according to Muslim Link, “will likely become the largest and most striking examples […]

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Robert Kaplan: The Ottoman Empire rising from the ashes (with help of U.S.)

Robert E. Kaplan has written an incredibly salient and dead-on-target article about the coming resurrection of the Ottoman Empire, as well as America’s complicity in it. An interesting starting point for when Kaplan says this movement started in the United States was smack dab in the middle of the Bill Clinton administration. Via Gatestone Institute: […]

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Yawn: Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan visits site of $100 Million Mosque in Maryland

It’s hard to imagine that the Ground Zero mosque generated so much opposition in 2010 while a $100 Million mosque in Washington, D.C. generates little more than a passing glance when Turkey’s leader stops by for a visit. Via IPT: A $100 million mosque under construction outside Washington, D.C. attracted a visit last week from […]

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Video: Did Geraldo implicate Hillary in another Benghazi Lie?

Geraldo Rivera, one of Fox News Channel’s resident leftists – who also thinks he can do talk radio – told the Fox and Friends crew today that his sources informed him that the U.S. was funneling shoulder-fired missiles out of Libya to Syria through Turkey. That last part about going through Turkey is very important […]

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Pope Francis to canonise Christians Martyred by Ottoman Turks

Concerns about Pope Francis’ stance on Islam were raised in March when he said the Catholic Church needs to “intensify” its dialogue with Islam. Is this an example of what he was talking about? Via Catholic Herald: Pope Francis is preparing to canonise an estimated 800 Italian laymen killed by Ottoman soldiers in the 15th […]

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1971: John Kerry sells out fellow Soldiers / 2013: John Kerry sells out bombing victims in his state

In 1971, John Kerry sold out his fellow soldiers; in 2013, he sold out the victims of bombings that took place in the largest city belonging to the state of Massachusetts, the citizens of which repeatedly sent him back to the U.S. Senate. Those injured and killed at the Boston marathon bombing were cheering on […]

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Is John Kerry putting his In-laws’ family in danger by helping Syrian rebels?

There is much at stake for both sides in the war taking place in Syria. For the Turks and the Muslim Brotherhood, taking Syria would be a monumental victory for the neo-Ottomans who seek a return of the caliphate. For Iran, such a scenario would mean a major defeat. For all intents and purposes, Assad’s […]

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King Erdogan?

Last month, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized to Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan for hurting Turkey’s fist with Israel’s face, it wasn’t surprising but it was disappointing. Ryan Mauro has an interesting take on what it all means. We’re getting closer, folks. Crowning Erdogan as the New King of Islamists h/t BG

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Benjamin Netanyahu and the Epitome of Political Insanity

Steven Simpson In what can only be described as the height of political psychopathology, Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, recently called his Turkish “counterpart,” Recep Tayipp Erdogan to apologize for the infamous Turkish flotilla incident that occurred back in May 2010. Israel’s crime? Her naval commandos, after repeated physical assaults, decided to defend themselves. What […]

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So The ‘Gate of Hell’ was found but the Question is: Who Goes in it?

By Walid Shoebat A “gate to hell” has emerged from ruins in southwestern Turkey, Italian archaeologists have announced, but the question is who goes in it? No one really knows if this indeed is the gate to hell. However, as far as who goes into hell when Jesus comes to judge is pretty clear in […]

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