Tag Archives | Feisal Abdul Rauf


The Pack of Wolves that want George W. Bush Dead

By Walid Shoebat Dennis Miller, with his typical comic wit, once asked me, “Why can’t Muslim terrorists be just like us, wanting to live and just get laid”? I responded by saying, “Are you kidding me? They die to get laid.” Take Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, the Muslim terrorist who was recently convicted for acquiring materials […]

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Mayor Bloomberg cowers to GZ Mosque, Attacks Sodas

When one looks at how Mayor Michael ‘the Dhimmi’ Bloomberg bowed to Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and contrasts it with his decision to go to war against the 32 oz. soda two years later, it doesn’t take a psychologist to diagnose him. Mayor Bloomberg is employing the defense mechanism known as displacement: […]

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Why is Sean Hannity doing this?

There are several reasons why high profile individuals do not speak the truth about something. It can be tactical or it can be for career preservation. Wikileaks all but proved it is rarely out of ignorance. Enter Sean Hannity. He has publicly stated his position that Islam is not the problem. Instead, it is “RADICAL” […]

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