Archive | June 20, 2012


Geniuses at CNN Report that Libyan Weapons going to Al-Qaeda

As we (and others) were warning about the ‘Arab Spring’ as it was unfolding well over a year ago, Anderson Cooper was in Egypt, getting beaten up while championing the spirit of Democracy that led to it. Now, CNN has magically discovered that weapons in Libya are winding up in the hands of al-Qaeda: The […]

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MSNBC Host’s Delusional Analysis of Post-9/11 Reactions

Melissa Harris-Perry used to be a neighbor of Barack Obama; she now has her own show on MSNBC (we’re sure it’s coincidence). In any event, while at a speaking engagement, Perry said that when blacks wore NYPD hats after 9/11, it was a sign of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). She then when on an […]

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