This is a much more significant development than what it might appear to be at first blush. That’s because it’s just another checkmark along the way to the rise of the Ottoman Empire. Regular readers to this blog know that Walid has been warning people about the rise of Turkey for well over a decade. […]
Archive | June 6, 2012
Video: Sudanese Muslims flee to… Israel?
Here is a video report from The Real News. It focuses on the huge influx of Sudanese refugees into Israel who are fleeing persecution. Israeli citizens are now beginning to stand up in protest of what is becoming a rampant refugee problem. Israelis are rightfully objecting to fewer jobs as well as an increase in […]
Dean of Qur’anic Studies: Islam seeks to Conquer Spain and the Vatican
Let’s see. The Dean of Qur’anic Studies at the Islamic University of Gaza is now officially on record as stating that Islam seeks to conquer Spain and the Vatican. Such a scenario doesn’t bode well for a European anti-Christ, now does it? Do the Bilderbergs know about this? Via MEMRI: Let’s not also forget that […]
By Walid Shoebat The moment one discusses the Israeli Palestinian conflict, the conversation will soon turn sour arguing over maps and borders and how “the Palestinian people are the indigenous Arabs whose land recently got robbed by greedy, land grabbing, colonialist Zionists.” Zionists in turn would point to the oldest maps showing the Jewish names […]
TUNISIA: Is cutting off the heads of Christians part of their new ‘democratic’ revolution?
From Bare Naked Islam Once heralded as the most modern, liberal Muslim country in the world, Tunisia’s Arab Spring uprising apparently has returned them to the 7th Century under radical Islamist control. In this very graphic video, a young man who left Islam pays the ultimate price for apostasy under sharia law. GRAPHIC VIDEO OF BEHEADING […]