Archive | April 2, 2014

CAIR Leader helps Muslim Brotherhood Launch Political Party in the U.S.

Nihad Awad, the Executive Director for CAIR, has announced the launching of a Muslim Brotherhood political party in the U.S. called the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO). Investor’s Business Daily reports that the “membership reads like a Who’s Who of Brotherhood front groups” and says that USCMO seeks to “elect Islamists in Washington” who […]

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Kardashian Keeping up with the Armenian Christians in Syria

By Ben Barrack If as many Americans followed what’s going on with persecuted Christians in places like Syria as much as they followed the Kardashians, there simply is no telling what could be accomplished. That said, it’s noteworthy that Kim Karsashian, who is of Armenian heritage, is using her celebrity – to include 20.5 Million […]

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Bachmann Grills Ex-CIA Deputy Director on Benghazi Talking Points for Relying on Opinion of Bureaucrats over Word of CIA Personnel In Libya

Mike Morell, the Deputy CIA Director at the time of the Benghazi attacks appeared before the House Intelligence Committee about his role in the crafting the talking points ultimately used by then UN Ambassador Susan Rice on five Sunday talk shows. One of the more shocking revelations had to do with Morell’s contention that he […]

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Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood Founder now an Advisor to British Government Office

If British Prime Minister David Cameron is serious about investigating the Muslim Brotherhood in his country, he might want to start with one of his own government offices and a certain Baroness Warsi, who serves as a Senior Minister there. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) now has the grandson of the founder of the […]

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Human Rights Attorney appears on Kelly File for second night in a row, Dismantles CAIR Representative

Human rights attorney Brooke Goldstein appeared on the Kelly File for the second night in a row, this time, opposite a representative from CAIR-Chicago. During her appearance, Goldstein spoke more truth about who and what CAIR is than has been vocalized on Fox News in a long time, if at all. One night after Kelly […]

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Homosexuals Throw Human Excrement At Christians, And Wipe Their Anuses With Pages Of The Bible

By Theodore Shoebat When up to a thousand conservative Christian parents in Germany were protesting against a new pro-homosexual “sexual diversity” curriculum in their schools, homosexuals charged at them and thew human excrement at the Christians. They also ripped pages of the Bible, wiped their anuses with the pages, crumpled them up and threw them […]

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How Fox News and Even the Jerusalem Post Serves the Devil

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat Fox News and even the Jerusalem Post is serving the Devil. Let me explain. People always ask me as to how would the U.S. (both liberal and conservative) including government, media would support an evil Antichrist entity as Turkey. Well, all you have to do is watch this and you […]

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Christian Man Gets Kidnapped By Muslims, He Calls His Wife And Tells Her: “They will kill me within a day or two.”

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE Posted by Theodore Shoebat A Christian man in Pakistan was kidnapped by Muslims, and when he got a chance to call his wife he told her: They will kill me within a day or two. His name is Gulsher, and he was tortured for 17 days straight, so brutally that by the time […]

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