Thousands of Chinese Christians have descended on Sanjiang church in Wenzhou, China to prevent it from being demolished by the atheistic Communist Party that runs the country. The church, which took six years to build, was issued a demolition notice after being visited by Xia Baolong, the Communist Party provincial chief. According to the Telegraph, […]
Archive | April 5, 2014
Muslims Raiding and Seizing Christian Homes; Owners have no Recourse
Imagine leaving your home to go to work only to come home to find it seized by Muslims who threaten to kidnap you or your family members if you file a complaint. Those threats are viewed as legitimate because the courts charged with meting out justice don’t do their jobs. Welcome to how Christians are […]

Stockholm Syndrome Jihad taking Country to Third World Status
The term ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ was coined in 1973 after a bank robbery / hostage situation caused hostages to bond with their captors and help them fight off those who were there to rescue the hostages. Ironically, there is a new brand of the syndrome smack dab in the country where it originated – Sweden. Only, […]
The man who let Terrorists Kidnap Americans is ok with letting one of those Terrorists become U.N. Ambassador
Former President Jimmy Carter has chimed in on Iran’s decision to appoint one of the terrorists responsible for holding 52 Americans hostage for 444 days on Carter’s watch, as its ambassador to the United Nations. In an interview with WTOP radio, Carter said the following about Hamid Aboutalebi: “You know, those were college students at […]
Muslims Fry Christian Boy’s Head And Cook It With Rice And Vegetables
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE Posted By Theodore Shoebat Watch this exclusive video of Sister Hatune Dogan, an Eastern Orthodox nun who has rescued thousands of persecuted Christians, recounting how a Christian boy in Iraq was beheaded, his head fried and cooked with vegetables and rice, and the pot which the head and food was in, was […]
Muslims Kidnap Little Christian Girl And Horrifically Slice Her Face With A Knife
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A young Christian girl was kidnapped by Muslims, and when her parents could not pay the $52,000 ransom, they slashed her face very deeply with a knife, right on the doorstep of the parents, after raping her for 17 days straight by numerous different men. wrote about this story […]