Absolute Proof That Israel Is Not Committing Genocide And People Who Say So Are Bad Faith (Or Dumb)

Some people have been pointing out that Israeli forces accidentally killed Israeli civilians while trying to kill Hamas terrorists during the October 7th nightmare. They point this out, thinking they are clever, with the intention of arguing that not everyone who died was killed by Hamas. These are the same people who scream “genocide!” when Israel bombs Gaza. They shoot themselves in the foot when they bring up the fact that Israel killed some of its own people. If Israel commits genocide when it kills civilians as it bombs civilian infrastructure (to destroy Hamas terrorists), then was Israel anti-Jewish when it unintentionally killed its own people? The reason why Israel accidentally killed its own people is the same reason why is kills civilians in Gaza: you have a bunch of lunatic terrorists who start a war and then put themselves in the midst of civilians. But yet Israel is blamed:
