Archive | April, 2024

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While Stalin Slept: How Russia Is Returning Back To The Hell Of World War 2

What horrors have preceded us, what infernos bellow up in the air, with the resounding cries of the past? The hell of bygone times seems so far distant, but life is an animate poem, with contours that ebb and flow like the waves; it has happiness and fulfillment, and then springs misery. But mankind prevails, […]

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Nazi Darwinism, Leningrad And The German Plan To Exterminate The Slavic Race

The Nazis wanted to “Germanize” Eastern Europe. Himmler wanted to come up with a plan to exterminate Slavs, enslave the survivors and Germanize their lands. He turned to the agronomist and SS leader, Konrad Meyer, to put together the plan, and he came up with “Generalplan Ost.” This plan manifested in the Siege of Leningrad […]

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Will America Go To War For Japan?

The rise of Japan is inevitable, because as the US walks back from its position as the world’s police force, the Japanese will take it upon themselves to go beyond its alliance with the US. There is a common belief that if a country attacked Japan that the US will enter a war to defend […]

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The Rise Of Europe

Today, there is a phenomena that is not getting enough attention, and that is the ideology of a pan-European defense headed by Germany, and moreover of a Europe that can be independent of the American empire: My contention is that we can see parallels between the pan-Europeanism of today and something that existed within Nazi […]

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