By Theodore Shoebat In the life of every Christian, there are two stages, fighting and suffering. In many cases, the latter ends in death. We see this in all of the prophets, and most beautifully in that man Who was more than a prophet–Christ. When reading the Bible, and the history of the Church, what […]
Author Archive | Shoebat
How John Hagee, Tim LaHaye, And John MacArthur, Ruin Christian History
By Theodore Shoebat When one observes lies, one will always find them connected to some truth. The window of lies always needs the hinges of truth to have people feel comfortable enough to open it. And indeed, it has been opened many a time within the American church. We have all heard of the old […]
Muslims Open Fire On Wedding
From The BBC: Three people, including a girl aged eight, died when gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on a wedding party outside a Coptic Christian church in Cairo. At least nine others were wounded in the attack in Giza, officials said. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Egypt’s Coptic Christian community has been targeted […]
Muslims Behead Man In Cold Blood
In Syria, Sunnis decapitated a man in cold blood. The victim was accused of being an Allawite, and here is the video: These are the savages who are now surrounding the Christians in Syria. Donate now to save Christian lives. Posted by Theodore Shoebat
Muslims Behead Men Over Haircut — But Why?
By Theodore Shoebat Islam calls for the death of anyone who has a tonsure, or the standard hairstyle for a monk. The case of Islam’s ‘rules of engagement’ is fancied by Muslim apologists as the example of restraint and equity in warfare which was revealed during the seventh century, when Abu Bakr, the successor to […]
Pakistan: Muslims Break Into Christian Home, Torture Family and Tell Them To Convert To Islam At Gunpoint
From The MTT: Pakistan is blighted by sectarian attacks by Sunni Islamists against the Shia and other minority communities like Christians and Hindus also suffer from militant attacks. At the same time, institutional discrimination is also a major problem for non-Muslims. Therefore, the recent report circulating from Islamabad about a Christian family being held at […]
Estimated 50,000 Christians Have Fled To The Mountains Of Syria, Or To Lebanon
From George Marlin of Catholic Online: For many months now there have been plenty of headlines devoted to the unrest in the Middle East, notably in Egypt and Syria. What has been missing, however, is any significant media coverage of the ongoing anti-Christian persecutions in those two countries. The world was just deliberating at the […]
State of Iowa Attacks Mennonites For Standing Up To The Sodomites
By Theodore Shoebat The sodomites, with the support of the heretical state of Iowa, is attacking the Mennonites. There is a new story in which a Mennonite wedding facility is being sued by the state of Iowa’s Civil Rights Commission, for their denying to have a homosexual marriage conducted, a decision which of course springs […]
British Parlimintarian: End Persecution of Christians
From Express: Tory MP Philip Hollobone has demanded more be done to stop the persecution of Christians across the Middle East and Africa. Many Coptic Christians have been killed, tortured and raped while churches have been torched, including 100 in Egypt. Last month Taliban suicide bombers killed 85 worshippers at a Christian church in Peshawar, […]
Christian-Muslim Tensions Still Linger In Kenya
From The Washington Post, by Ken Chitwood: NAIROBI, Kenya — While the smoke that hung over the Westgate Shopping Mall has dissipated, a quiet tension still lingers in the air throughout the capital. Last month’s attack by al-Shabab militants on a mall frequented by Westerners in the capital city, left at least 67 dead. But […]
Chinese Government Persecutes Christians
From Religion Today: Washington, D.C. (ICC) — A recent spate of attacks against Christians and house churches in China underlines the country’s relentless habit of persecuting Christians, even at the cost of its own reputation in the international community. Christians Beaten in Hainan Province On Aug. 14, a number of Christians in Lingao town, Lincheng […]
Christians Join Syrian Army To Fight Jihadists
From Catholic Online Syrian Christians are starting to align with the regime of Bashar al Assad as extremist rebels form an increasing number of the anti-regime fighters. Worried about their churches and homes, Christians are organizing into volunteer units and fighting alongside the regular Syrian army. There is a sense of stalemate and a need […]
Ancient Protestants Fought Against Ancient Muslims — A Call For Unity
By Theodore Shoebat While the Christians of antiquity called themselves Catholic, there was a sect who rejected the legitimacy of the Papacy, on account that it reaccepted lapsed Christians who, out of fear, gave sacrifices to pagan gods during the early persecutions. These were called Novatians, the Protestants of old Christendom. One could argue that […]
14 People Killed and over 1,000 people homeless in Central Africa
From CP World: Clashes in the Central African Republic between Muslims and Christians have killed 14 people in the past week, police and a senior Catholic official have reported. While Christians make up 80 percent of the Central African Republic’s 4.5 million population, they have been the victims of violence since Seleka rebels took control […]
Pakistani Text Books: Killing Christians Necessary
From CT World: Some school textbooks in Pakistan include lessons teaching students that killing Christians is a goal that must be achieved for them to obtain martyrdom, according to a report prepared by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). The report also included claims that Islamist groups in Pakistan are launching regular attacks against […]
Analyst: “persecuted Christians deserves to be the world’s number one human rights priority”
From CNA: Denver, Colo., Oct 6, 2013 / 04:06 pm (CNA).- In his new book “The Global War on Christians,” Vatican analyst John Allen, Jr. details anti-Christian abuse worldwide, drawing light to the tremendous scale of violence against the world’s most persecuted religion. “I don’t think it takes any religious convictions or confessional interests at […]